June 26, 2022
When we moved to our current home in 2019, I inherited weeds. The perennial beds were not as terrible as some I’ve inherited in the past, but required a good and thorough cleaning. As thorough as I could get without digging everything out and replanting it. Typical of inheriting gardens, it takes time to discover what is a plant and what is a weed. My past garden-cleaning experience has given me confidence. I’m familiar with most common perennials and the local weeds. There was one unrecognizable plant (and this was before the wonderful plant-identification apps that really do work) so I let her grow. Her foliage was pretty, and she produced very pretty little pink, cluster flowers . . . but I soon learned she was a weed. AN ATTEMPTED TAKEOVER Over the past three gardening seasons, I’ve discovered what a relentless little plant she is, choking out and entwining herself around and over and through wherever her little heart takes her. And her roots are relentless. I’m constantly battling her. She literally “grows like a weed” because she is one! As I pull and dig, I recall posting photos of her on Facebook when I discovered she was a weed. One sympathizer commanded me, “She’s pretty, let her grow.” Each time I notice her imposing on my flower beds, I remember the weed-sympathizer’s words distinctly, and how it grated on me at the time. I thought, “She has no idea.” And I’m now very certain that her sympathy of the pretty little weed is what has landed our country and our churches and families in the state we are in today. Have you ever heard, “As long as it doesn’t affect me . . .” ? It does. It all does! PRETTY LITTLE WEEDS Our hearts, our families and homes, our churches, our towns and nation and our world are like gardens. We drink and we eliminate daily—physically, mentally, and emotionally. I love that God has given us metaphors all around us for flourishing in our daily life. The trouble with our world is we’re prone to wander and we fail to pay attention, because the trouble is with our hearts. We are naturally, if we don’t fear God, self-destructive, because we love what is not good for us and we tolerate and sympathize with pretty little weeds. It’s easier to let weeds grow than diligently tend our gardens. My heart grieves deeply, as I watch professing believers promote abortion rights as Roe V Wade was overturned. One of the posts that was shared came from a woman with such bitter words , I cried. Do they realize they are promoting murder? How can they not? We now have such visible evidence that babies are alive and human through technology, that there is no excuse. None. I fear for their souls. But they do not. And that is the problem. When we do not fear God, when we fail to deal with pretty little weeds, when we don’t deal with them relentlessly . . . we become weeds . Overtaken by our self-destructive ways. They blame Trump. They blame evangelicals. They blame, blame, blame and become bitter, bitter, bitter. Fear ramps up and so does a fighting, hateful spirit. And hate, Jesus said, is akin to murder. ( Matthew 5:21-22 ) HERE WE ARE, IN A WORLD AT WAR BECAUSE WE’VE SEEDED WEEDS Accurate identification of weeds needs to come from a reliable source. Unfortunately, I just read a headline stating “The Number of Americans Who Believe in God Has Dropped to Lowest Number Ever” ( Here ) Those who don’t fear God, who don’t take Him at His word, have dismissed the Bible. God’s word, the holy Bible, is the world’s gift of rock-solid, never-changing truth. It is the only sure foundation. Ideas born on any other foundation end in devastation. ( Matthew 7:24 ; 1 Corinthians 3:14 ; Luke 6:46-49 ) The Bible is a timeless book because God, the Creator, is God the Author. God Himself has kept it. But His book can only be understood by humble hearts receiving revelation from the Spirit of the Author. The real problem with the Bible isn’t the God of the Bible, but people who don’t come to Him to receive (listen; hear) the truth of it. It is in the Bible where we properly identify the weeds that are choking our hearts, suffocating faith, hope, and what God reveals as true love . A love that is self-denying. A love that obeys God and chooses to refrain from sex outside of marriage, and then gifts us with babies within His beautiful parameters. ( Psalm 127:3-5 ) The simple answer for weed-identification is the truth of the Bible. Knowing what God says enables lie-detection. Lies are the weeds that choke life. Lies are seeds derived from fear of the truth and of self-exaltation. Jesus said He is the truth and that the truth will set us free. Therefore, lies are in opposition to Jesus and to our freedom and flourishing. The Holy Bible The Holy Bible is the most read book in the world. In the past 50 years, the Bible has sold over 3.9 billion copies . It is the most recognizable and famous book that has ever been published. … After His resurrection in the New Testament, Jesus goes on to teach the world about the Christian religion. There are prayers, hymns, historical accounts, parables, prophecies, and many more stories in the Bible. SOURCE HOW TO CLEAN THE GARDEN This is the million dollar question. Weeds are choking truth; the garden is overgrown; the world is calling good evil and evil good, and God says, “WOE”. ( Isaiah 5:20 ) When God says “woe”, then he pulls back the reigns in the way only He can. Because He only ever lets evil have its way for a certain amount of time . . . then He acts out of love to bring us to know our ways don’t work. Pride comes before a fall. ( Proverbs 16:18 ) Our failure and pain will cause us to cry out to Him again if we let it humble us. Believers know that in the last days, humbling will be hard. ( 2 Timothy 3:1-5 ) But when we see the people failing to see, then we should LOOK UP for our redemption draws near! ( Luke 21:28 ; Ecclesiastes 5:1 , 12:1 ; Isaiah 49:9 ; Hosea 10:12 ; 1 Corinthians 15:34 ; Isaiah 51:6 ; Psalm 13:5 ; Psalm 40:38 ) It’s in the Bible, recorded over and over: The nations contract in rhythms. God’s blessing is given. We take His blessing for granted. We become passive, evil rises, and the result is oppression. I heard Jason Gray in concert a couple of years ago. His new-at-the-time song, Order, Disorder, Reorder seemed to be prophetic. Only God knows how to clean the messy garden that is our hearts and families and cities and nation and what is becoming global . WHAT DO WE DO? For the believer, we watch and listen and trust and obey and speak the truth in love with our lives and our lips. We keep ourselves planted by the water of His word and in fellowship with other believers and we pray. Pray and wait on the Lord. Together. We keep having children and planting gardens and blessing our neighbors. He promised to come when we call. And He is the God who sees and hears and rewards every act prompted by our faith. Stay faithful. Be a sturdy plant among the weeds. And we will watch God do what only He can do. Jeremiah 29:4-9 ~ 4 This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says to all those I carried into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Buildhouses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce. 6 Marry and have sons and daughters; find wives for your sons and give your daughters in marriage, so that they too may have sons and daughters. Increase in number there; do not decrease. 7 Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” 8 Yes, this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: “Do not let the prophets and diviners among you deceive you. Do not listen to the dreams you encourage them to have. 9 They are prophesying lies to you in my name. I have not sent them,” declares the Lord.