Hey, Mr. Moses, Deliverer-man, what’s up with that? You said, “Let my people go,” and look at us, slavin’ away tryin’ to make bricks with no straw!!! Y’all are liars! We are bein’ whipped and you promised deliverance???
Has that ever happened to you?
"Hey God, what's up with this? You promised_______and I am here being squeezed to the limit. I don't know if I have another drop to give..."
When God sent Moses to deliver Israel from slavery, he told Moses what to expect. That there would be severe resistance on Pharaoh’s part in order for God to show His power. But the Israelites weren’t “let in” on that part of the plan. So when their oppression got worse, they hurled accusations at Moses and Aaron.
Isn’t that just like us? We try to put pressure on someone we can see in order to somehow relieve our own pressure.
I love how Moses responds (especially after so many times of telling God, “I just can’t speak!”) He turns to the Lord (God is smiling here!), and puts the burden on Him where it belongs.
There are times when I have responded to pressure or discomfort like the Israelites. I wanted to pass it on to someone else. Cast blame, or invoke a response. And at other times, I have been like Moses, and turned it over to the Lord.
The former brings division and disention. The latter brings peace and encouragement.
So often when we are on the brink of a breakthrough, it seems like God has stepped out. But in fact He is very present and working in our circumstances. He orchestrates the times of intensified trial in order to give us a greater awareness of our need, a greater faith for endurance in trials and to transform us into brighter reflection of Him. Whatever we go through is always for His glory, our good and His purposes.
It is at the point of “things getting worse” that we find ourselves in the place of decision: will I trust in Him with all my heart, or try to fix it on my own, or cast blame?
In this place of decision, where we focus will determine our reaction. Do we look to God and His promises? Or will we look at the circumstances and the seemingly impossible situation.
One brings peace, the other discouragement.