Arrowhead Bible Camp
30765 117th St.
New Auburn, WI 54757
From the time you meet Him to the day you leave this earth, the journey with Jesus is an epic story He is writing. In this message series, you will be equipped to trust Him along the way, and look forward with hope, no matter the road you’re on today.
In this message series, we see that God created us as His masterpiece. It's imperative we believe that we ARE a display of His glory. Once we believe we have a precious purpose as God's co-creator, we will be fueled to press into our purpose.
In this message series, we learn how we are empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit to “Go and make disciples”. Together we will look forward to the rewards God promises us in eternity for our faithful acts of service.
From the time you meet Him to the day you leave this earth, the journey with Jesus is an epic story He is writing. In this message series, you will be equipped to trust Him along the way, and look forward with hope, no matter the road you’re on today.
In this message series, we see that God created us as His masterpiece. It's imperative we believe that we ARE a display of His glory. Once we believe we have a precious purpose as God's co-creator, we will be fueled to press into our purpose.
In this message series, we learn how we are empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit to “Go and make disciples”. Together we will look forward to the rewards God promises us in eternity for our faithful acts of service.
God called me to be a speaker in 1997, and after a long season of refining, the Lord launched my speaking ministry in 2014. With nearly ten years of speaking ministry and two published Bible studies, I’m excited to be available to go where God sends me with His stories. If you or your women's ministry is interested in experiencing the intimacy of God in a deeper way, I would love to serve you.
God called me to be a speaker in 1997, and after a long season of refining, the Lord launched my speaking ministry in 2014. With nearly ten years of speaking ministry and two published Bible studies, I’m excited to be available to go where God sends me with His stories. If you or your women's ministry is interested in experiencing the intimacy of God in a deeper way, I would love to serve you.
I would love to share a message from God’s heart at your gathering or develop a new message around your current theme.
I love to introduce people to Jesus through the word of God. I take joy in moving people into deeper intimacy with God through prayer, knowing Jesus more, and reminding you that you are made for beautiful things. Here are some of my keynote teachings.
I offer each as a three or four-message retreat, or they are available for a single-day retreat.
From the time you meet Him to the day you leave this earth, the journey with Jesus is an epic three part story He is writing. In this message series, you will be equipped to trust Him along the way, and look forward with hope, no matter the road you’re on today.
In this message series, I expound on the great work of the Lord that is us. We are the crown of creation, and He created us as image-bearers and co-creators. Each of our stories is an epic tale God is writing, and He wants us to be stewards of our stories. In this series, I present a workshop where women can learn about their spiritual gifts and learn to affirm the gifts they see in each other.
In this message series, I discuss scripture being God’s open invitation to everyone to “Come” to Him. We need to recognize how He drew us to Himself; it will help us join Him in His work of drawing others. In this series, I share how God called me to “go out” into the community to lead Bible studies in coffee shops and restaurants—outside the church's walls for Kingdom expansion. I offer each as a three or four-message retreat, or they are available for a single-day retreat.
The Apostle Paul used a race as a metaphor for the Christian life--and so often we feel worn out and overwhelmed. In the book of Hebrews, we read that God invites us to enter His rest--a rest from labor. How does this paradox work in our lives in real time? How do we run the race in His rest? And what is the point of our running anyway?
In this series, we dig into scripture to find out how to do life with the spiritual vigor we have been designed for:
This message will deepen your understanding of God's heart for you and motivate you to take Him up on His invitation to be filled with His Spirit. We will discover what abiding in the Vine looks like and how our lives will bear eternal fruit from our abiding, acquiring crowns in eternity to lay at the feet of Jesus.
Message based on the following passages:
Proverbs 4:5-9 tells us that gaining wisdom is supreme. Wisdom will protect us, love us, watch over us and give us victory.
A Christmas message (great for Ladies' Christmas Cafe/Tea) showing the wonder of the gift we were given when Jesus was born. This message awakens us to the very tangible and constant presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Women will be reminded of the fullness of joy with Jesus as our forever Friend and Helper.
Are you interested in inviting me out to speak? If so, here is my calendar and upcoming speaking availability. Contact me if the date is available, and I’d love to join you!
Women's Fall Refresher
Arrowhead Bible Camp
30765 117th St.
New Auburn, WI 54757
ELCA Apple River Conference
Deronda Lutheran Church
65th Ave
Amery, WI 54001
Alliance Church of the Valley Ladies Retreat
2824 130th Street
Frederic, WI 54837
Ladies Retreat
Fort McCoy in Sparta, WI, // PWOC at 17304 Havenwood Road, Sparta, WI