These soul-nourishing reading recommendations will build you up.
Explore Kath’s reading recommendations and find out why.
Celebrating Advent is something I did growing up in the Catholic tradition. Since Dale and I started worshiping in an Evangelical church, Advent has not been part of our yearly experience. Until several years ago when I began to read through Ann Voskamp's The Greatest Gift.
Then I learned about the Plough Publishing collection and read Watch For The Light I wanted to share my favorite Advent devotionals with you because I have found that the highlights of my year are Lent and Advent because of the depth I experience through these books.
Preparing For Jesus by Walter Wagnerian Jr. and
God Is In The Manger by Bonhoeffer and
Coming To Light by my friend, Jodie Frye
I pray you will be moved to deeper worship and a rich Advent experience through the words of the authors.
Celebrating Lent is something I did growing up in the Catholic tradition. Since Dale and I started worshiping in an Evangelical church, Lent has not been part of our yearly experience. Until several years ago when I began to read through Walter Wangerin Jr.'s Reliving The Passion.
Then I learned about the Plough Publishing collection and read Bread and Wine. I wanted to share my favorite lenten devotionals with you because I have found that the highlights of my year are Lent and Advent because of the depth I experience through these books.
I pray you will be moved to deeper worship through the words of the authors.
Greater Health God's Way by Stormie O'Martain
(Note: I’m an Amazon Affiliate; thank you for purchasing through these links to support me and my ministry and family.)
Bread & Wine by Plough Publishing (A collection of thoughtful writers on Lent)
WayMaker by Ann Voskamp (This might be on my all-time favorite list. Ann teaches intimacy with Jesus and the Way to walk forward confident in His love.)
Watch For The Light by Plough Publishing (A collection of thoughtful writers on Advent)
Strong In Battle by Susie Larson
Praying Like Monks Living Like Fools by Tyler Staton (Want to pray more? Buy it!)
How To Hear God by Pete Greig (Oh my goodness, this!)
31 Days Of Praise by Ruth Meyers (This book helped me move my mind on Him and happy)
The Uncommon Woman by Susie Larson (This book taught me to be free from labels and other’s opinions.)
Your Beautiful Purpose by Susie Larson (Everything Susie writes is helpful in having confidence in the value God places on our lives.)
A Confident Heart by Renee Swope (I was on the prayer team for this book and was greatly encouraged by the content.)
The Power of a Praying {Wife, Mother, Together} by Stormie O’Martian (My prayer life wouldn’t be what it is without Stormie’s books. Neither would my family.)
Secrets of the Secret Place by Bob Sorge (A must if you want to grow in your love and devotion for the Lord.)
Hudson Taylors Spiritual Secret
by Mr and Mrs Howard Taylor (Often when God calls people to follow Him, God’s own people are the doubters and naysayers. Hudson kept going despite the disapproval of the mission boards . . . and experienced God mightily . . . bringing the gospel to China. One of my favorite missionary stories.)
(Note: I’m an Amazon Affiliate; thank you for purchasing through these links to support me and my ministry and family.)
Ruth by Kelly Minter
Anointed/Transformed/Redeemed by Priscilla Shirer, Beth Moore and Kay Arthur
Stuck and Chase by Jennie Allen
Experiencing God by Blackaby (This is an extremely transforming study!)
(Note: I’m an Amazon Affiliate; thank you for purchasing through these links to support me and my ministry and family.)
Dear Son, You Are Getting Married-Making A Covenant That Really Takes Three
My Anchor Holds When I Can’t Get A Grip
Time To Rock The Boat (How our country needs to turn the ship around or sink.)
Dispelling Assumptions and Misunderstandings: My Convictions On Masks
(Note: I’m an Amazon Affiliate; thank you for purchasing through these links to support me and my ministry and family.)
For building your belief and encouraging your heart:
When You Are Finding It Hard To Keep Up (chased by grace) by Ann Voskamp
On the beauty, and value of aging:
Grey Hair is a Crown of Glory by Tim Challies
Sixty Things I’ve Learned In Sixty Years by Kate Batistelli
My former faith blog: Blessed Builder
My former gift shop blog: Bittersweet Farm