Time To Rock The Boat

I attended a concert with my friend, Ann, on the cusp of lockdowns last spring. As Rend collective rocked the house with their powerful songs, I knew I was there by providence.

We raised our voices with them. First, it was the familiar song. I sang it at the top of my lungs:

Build Your kingdom here
Let the darkness fear
Show Your mighty hand
Heal our streets and land
Set Your church on fire
Win this nation back
Change the atmosphere
Build Your kingdom here
We pray!
~Rend Collective

Then came the NEW song. A declaration I knew was directly from God:

Spirit fall down, start a holy riot
Fill this place now with the tongues of fire
Oh, break the strongholds, come and unleash heaven
Burn within us, make us bold as lions
This is our revival anthem
Can you feel the darkness shaking?
Oh, we are the dry bones rising
This will be our great awakening
This is our revival anthem
Fill our hearts, Lord with a holy danger
Lead us beyond our fear of failure
We’ll fight the good fight in Your strength and power
We’ll take back the night, victory is ours, yeah
~Rend Collective

Carry On, 2020 . . .

And the year that started out as Year of the Bible became a Year of Great Shaking.

In saying so, I don’t mean to contrast the first title with the second. On the contrary, looking back, I sense it was both. The shaking that happened caused many who were rooted to deepen their roots, while those with shallow roots have become uprooted.

Many moved closer to the Light. Many moved farther away. And, I’d say that many more who’ve been living in the grey zone continue to coast along, believing things will return to normal.

A Divisive Year.

Though we once were a united land with (mainly) two political parties living under the banner of light, it seems we are now a divided land with two opposing viewpoints largely living in the dark. How has this happened? When did the switch flip? I’ve spent much time over the course of the last year asking that question. I’ve dug into American history, read up on Marxism, learned about Critical Race Theory, listened to sermons from Pastors across the land and come to some conclusions.

I think I can look back and see a bit more clearly, the year that was 2020. I’m here today to begin sharing what I’ve learned.

The division isn’t just political division, it’s disunity in the churches, in families, between friends, and neighbors. Why?

What has happened that has brought about such great divides?

As I was asking the Lord that question, I heard a pastor say, “You cannot sacrifice truth for the sake of unity.” I’m sorry I cannot remember who the pastor was, only that a lightbulb went on. Jesus’ words came like lightening, “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32 — it is the Truth which unites us.

Our culture is full of lies, therefore it has gone dark.


As a nation, we’ve moved farther and farther away from the light. The farther we go from God, the less we see truth.

There are many passages of scripture that confirm that a nation which turns away from God will be given over to darkness. Romans 1:28Jeremiah 17:4Proverbs 1:28-29Deuteronomy 30:15-18 and so many more.

Many would resist this idea. I’ve read their words in rebuttal to such a suggestion: “God never made a covenant with America. We are not Israel.” And while it’s true, there is not a covenant “like His covenant with Israel”—it’s simply not true that we don’t have a relationship with God. I understand many seek to erase the truth of our history, but the books written are here to serve us. Please dig in here & here.

Our nation was, in fact, founded on the principles of God’s word. Our liberty came because we were given light. America has been a great nation, a land of peace and plenty, because we recognized in our founding documents that God has given us inalienable rights. We have the right to live and move and have our being in Him—FREE. We are free to worship and work, to love and serve. Blood has been shed for our liberty. It is right for us to steward the land God has given us.

So what does this present darkness mean for us who have the Light? You and me? Those who’ve determined to remain loyal to the Lord?

Exciting Times!

While we are literally grieving our losses, and rightly so, we also still and always will have the Light!

Not only do we have Him, but we have the Power that will never be overtaken by the darkness dwelling within us.

Part of the reason we are in this season of shaking and sifting and increasing darkness is that for many of us, our light has been hidden under a bushel. We’ve known we were slipping down the slippery slope to secularism, but since we were only lightly affected, we carried on in our living, not taking time to gather and pray, not wanting to rock the boat by sharing the truth we know. (Who doesn’t like smooth seas?!)

The problem with our coasting along, we are finding out, is that sleepy waters are always being drawn somewhere, and if we fail to steer the boat, it is headed toward the falls.

Here We Are, On The Precipice of the Falls.

While the darkness we are living in in 2021 is for judgement on those who don’t want God, the darkness is an awakening for us who’ve maybe been sleeping in our comfort. It’s an invitation from our God to move toward the light, and to live wholeheartedly for Him.

Brothers and sisters, we are here on this temporary earth because we have been given a rescue mission! We are here to let our light shine! We serve a God who can turn this ship around! Do you believe it? And even if God has a different plan, would He be pleased if we just sat and waited for the ship to sink?

NO! We must seek to right it. We must work—hard— to recover what has been lost. Though the ground we lose is extremely hard to get back, we serve the God of the impossible. We must seek and be His blessing.

Let this be our prayer today: “Lord, let there be light! Ignite Your church!” AND

Spirit fall down, start a holy riot
Fill this place now with the tongues of fire
Oh, break the strongholds, come and unleash heaven
Burn within us, make us bold as lions
This is our revival anthem
Can you feel the darkness shaking?
Oh, we are the dry bones rising
This will be our great awakening
This is our revival anthem
Fill our hearts, Lord with a holy danger
Lead us beyond our fear of failure
We’ll fight the good fight in Your strength and power
We’ll take back the night, victory is ours, yeah ~Rend Collective

And think of this, Saints, who is the person looking for the light? It’s people who want to see in the dark.

Some will want the light we have, many will not. Regardless, we must be like Jesus and run into the darkness with the torch of the gospel message!

Follow Jesus. Pray to Jesus. Be like Jesus.

He is the Way, the Truth, the Life and the Light!

When the world is hostile, the Prince of Peace is compelling. Let’s be compelling!
When the world is full of lies, the Light of Truth is clarifying. Let’s be clarifying!

This is the way the holy riot: we carry the torch of love and truth into this present darkness.

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