Dispelling Assumptions and Misunderstanding: Explaining My Convictions On Masks

It’s been nearly two years since the Crown Virus came seeking to rule humanity. Her majesty has done a fine job of dismantling our former reality.

Nearly two years ago, I boarded a plane with my friend Julie. We visited our friend in her lovely home in sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, surrounded by towering palms and citrus trees. I was estatic to be leaving the snow-crusted Land of Frost for the Land of Summer I’d never seen.

Of course, we’d all been hearing and some had been fearing the ‘rona for several months. We’d heard a report of one case . . . if I recall, in Madison, WI.

After our week of fun-in-the-sun, eating oranges from the backyard, and talking well into the night (we even did a little dancing on the patio!), Julie headed for a business trip in California, and I boarded the plane back to Minneapolis.

At one point on the day of my departure, Dale texted me: “Just to let you know, I’m at the hospital being tested for pneumonia.”

Sickness Striking

“Well,” I thought, “I’ve just loaded up on the heavenly vitamins by eating fresh oranges in Sunny Arizona. I should be good.”

Just two months earlier I’d fought off a sickness I thought might be the death of me. I’d never been so sick in my life. At the time, I’d self-diagnosed bronchitis. But looking back, and having read that the virus was upon us as early as the fall of 2019 (proven by tested blood donations) I believe I may have been an early victim.

Corona Before Arizona

I’ll never forget struggling to breathe in the middle of the night and asking God, “Am I dying?”

I heard Him reply, “I’m giving you immunities.”

We’d all been sick off and on that fall, and I’d already fought off one dastardly worse-than-normal bug just before Thanksgiving.

Dale’s test for pneumonia came back negative. They sent him home with an inhaler; he’d never needed to use one before. His sickness lasted a good week, and the horrid cough continued for two more. We are pretty certain it was “it”.

Prayer Against The Plague

The Sunday after I came home, I went to church. My whole family was home sick. It was the first Sunday of March and that meant communion Sunday with healing-prayer after. I often joined the leaders in prayer prior to moving away. That morning we encircled three cancer-patients. I’m happy to report that two are still among us. Praise God. 

When we finished praying for Jolene, Heidi, and Gary (who was in the hospital that day and has since gone to be with the Lord) Pastor Eric looked at me and said, “It’s good to have you back.” (We’d moved away and three years later, God moved us back.)

I agreed. It was good to be back; I had so missed my church family! I expressed, then, what I’d had on my heart all morning, “I think we need to pray that God’s favor will be upon His people for health. That we would be distinct . Just as Israel was distinct and set apart when the plagues came upon Egypt.”

And we prayed. We asked God to cover His people with His feathers and keep us healthy. I left believing He would. And in my experience, He has.

The Shifting And Sifting Began

The following Sunday, the church and much of our life closed.

Like everyone, I watched . . . processed . . . held my breath . . . had conversations . . . sought to discern. What is this Lord? Is this the devil? Judgement? What is actually happening in the invisible realm? Behind those questions was awareness of our call to watch, to understand the times in which we live, and to have God’s perspective on what was going on. 1 Chronicles 12:322 Corinthians 4:18Ephesians 6:122 Corinthians 11:14Matthew 16:17

Social Media Havoc & Impact

There’s no use denying it. We’ve all been impacted by the reality of the resurrected Tower of Babble. I’d seen it coming from the onset of online journaling. If God disrupted the speech of humans who wanted to play God to keep them from playing God, then, when they discover the capability of uninhibited communication, the sky is literally the limit. (And now they're thinking of living on Mars)

When I was invited to join Facebook by a friend in 2008, I was cautious. She encouraged me to be a light. When I created my account, I sensed the Lord telling me, “I’m callling you here. Use it for Me.” And I have maintained that foundational thought in all my years of posting.

Not that I haven’t blundered. One time I posted a sermon by Mars Hill Pastor, Mark Driscoll. In his message, he called Mormons “morons” . . . I’d overlooked it because the main point of the message resonated with me . . . but after church that day, I opened Facebook to receive a sharp rebuke from my sister. I immediately took it down and took note with the Lord that I need to consider all the content.

The lesson stung. But I was grateful for it.

Back to 2020

The messages came:
Close your church. Cover your face. Wash your hands. Stay home. Stay away.

I questioned it all with a friend who’d been a missionary for 14 years in Kazakhstan, “Could this be the enemy against the church?” Her and her family’s spiritual antenna were fine-tuned from their years across the ocean.

Soon after our conversation, my husband’s cousin posted an article by Vantiy Fair Magazine. Its essential message, which sounded quite proud and manipulative, was sumarized with the stark words, “Anyone who wont wear a mask is selfish.”

Wait, what?

I’d always had a funny feeling about masks . . . all the way back to seeing images of masses of them in China years ago. As I engaged in a discussion about the value of them on Facebook, another woman told me point-blank: “If you don’t wear a mask, you’ll be guilty of manslaughter.”

Sheesh. That’s quite an accusation based on conjecture. I smelled something fishy.

I brought up the subject (this was well before any mandates) with my daughter-in-law one day. “I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I don’t feel right about the masks.” She replied, “Same here. It seems like they are idols.”

“Yes. That’s what I think it is . . .

Idol: an object or picture that is worshipped as a god; an image or representation of a god used as an object of worship; a person or thing that is greatly admired, loved, or revered. Something a person  depends upon . . . puts their hope or trust in.

I Remembered A Sermon

Dale was living in Montana for work the summer of 2012. I would board my flight to Great Falls and stay with him in the camper for ten day stretches. While he was at work, I headed for the hills with my iPod, often listening to sermons. There was one particular sermon I listened to half a dozen times: The Spirit Against The Idols.

I had not yet personally met Pr. Porter, but had stumbled across his sermons when looking at the website. He was preaching through the book of Acts, talking about the Holy Spirit’s work through the church. The text was the story in Acts 19:11-32, in which God did extraordinary miracles through Paul. The healing and delivering power of Jesus was freeing people via handkerchiefs and aprons that had touched Paul.

As a result, many were turning to Jesus by repenting and burning their idols and scrolls. It was a costly sacrifice, one which made those who sold idols very angry. (Acts 19:28)

"When idols are challenged, they will lash out," stated Pr. Porter.

As I considered the spirit I detected in the article in Vanity Fair as well as the venomous accusation of the woman on Facebook, the idea that masks were becoming idols for some people became indisputable.

Not All Who Wear Them Are Idolators

In saying that I believe masks are idols, I’m well aware that that statement can feel like an accusation toward those who wear masks. In fact, I believe some who’ve watched me form and express my convictions may have felt I was accusing them.

Nothing could be further from the truth.
I’m writing today to dispel that assumption.

While we have seen many act out in anger against those who don’t wear masks (idolatry), I also believe many have sincerely worn them as a result of their own conviction based on what they have experienced, read, and come to understand. Or as a requirement of their employer.

I have worn a mask when the Lord has led me to . . . as an act of honoring business owners. My conviction to never mask was only within the context of worship. I couldn’t wear what I believed was an idol and a lie on my face in the house of God. (More on that below.)

Disagreement Does Not Equal Condemnation

Counter to what our current cancel-cuture believes, humans are meant to be free. (Luke 1:74-75) Freedom is from God, and no one has the insight to judge another heart.

Fruit, words, and actions, yes. Hearts, no. (Matthew 7:161 Corinthians 4:5)

Praise God He knows and sees all, and each of us will stand or fall before Him. (Romans 14:4)

Judge nothing before the appointed time . . . because we are all on different journeys. We are all at different levels of spiritual maturity. We are all surrounded by different neighbors which need different things from our experiences. We are all accountable to God for stewarding our stories. He is the revealer of light and it comes on His time clock. It behooves us to let Him be the One to make His will known to us individually . . . and when we come together, corporately.

We get to be free and we get to free others!

When The Church's Words Reflect The World's


The first Wisconsin mask mandate elicited an email from our church stating a similar message as Vanity Fair’s. I’d seen it touted all around the internet already, most people accepted the idea without reservation. But having arrived at my convictions, upon reading in the email, “As an act of love for your neighbor, we encourage you to wear a mask,” my heart sunk.

The insinuation, without them meaning to or considering another view, was that those who didn’t wear a mask were not loving their neighbor. (ie: selfish) I’d already discerned the subtle (and not so subtle) fume of manipulation by those of the world who were preaching the message. Within a short time, it had permeated nearly every major secular institution.

As a result of enduring the ongoing pain of the cultural narrative, I praised the Lord when the illegally extended mask mandate was struck down in our state . . . not as much about freedom from masks as about freedom from accusation and manipulation and that our court upheld the law.

And then our governor did a thing. He underhandedly reinstituted the mask mandate on a Saturday night just before a new liberal judge was stepping into the WI supreme court. And I knew I had to write a letter to the elders of my church who would be sending anther email to the congregation. I prayed for them to see that the resistance some have to masks is not resisting an inconvenience, but from holding a conviction.

I Was Heard

I received a reply that part of my letter was read at the elder’s meeting. The wording was changed in the forthcoming email to include freedom to have a different conviction. This relieved me much in my desire to honor those in authority over us, while staying true to my convictions before God.

Further Understanding & Depth Of Insight

Then came the killing of George Flloyd and the uprising of even greater division in our world. And more questions: What is CRT? Who is BLM? How has Marxism come to permeate much of the mind of America?

Daily, people sent me videos in my private messages looking for clarity themselves. I researched. I bought and read books like this and this and this. (Former from my church library)

It was in Marx and Satan where I first learned that the greek word for worship is proskyneö

Prosco means to bow low.

Kyneö means to kiss. 

The author, Richard Wurmbrand, a man persecuted by Communists in Romania had a vested interest in understanding the spirit of the age and the satanic religion of Karl Marx. He shared one story revealing that communists targeted believers as they exited the house of worship where they’d fellowhshipped with God.

I suddenly understood the intimacy of our worship gathering on a whole new level. And how the devil hates it.

Additionally, I knew that upon salvation the veil is lifted from our face. (2 Corinthians 3:16-18) And our faces are meant to reflect God’s glory.

God’s very name in Hebrew, YHWH, sounds like breath. Worshipping the One who breathed life into us is a sacred union. I’m not sure we understand just how holy the assembly of believers is to God.

After the prayer God led me to pray in March of 2020, the processing of what I understood masks to be, and then reading about worship being a place where we “kiss” God, my convictions became more deeply rooted.

God's Heavy Use Of Signs & Symbols

It’s not popular in an age of “believe the science” to look at current events to discern what message God might be conveying. But I am continually on the lookout for what He might be saying to His Bride.

If you are even remotely acquainted with the Bible, you know God spoke not only through the prophet’s mouth, but through signs and symbolic acts. Jeremiah had specific instructions about underwear. (Jeremiah 13:1-11) Hosea married a prostitute. Ezekiel had to draw Jerusalem on a clay tablet and lay siege to it, then lay on his sides, each for 390 days. (Ezekiel 4:1-13)

God often speaks through the meaning of names. He speaks through dreams and visions. He speaks in so many ways, saying what He will say to those He speaks to . . . and to those who incline their ear to His voice.

Here are my notes in Nehemiah in August of 2020: Notice the names of the governors seeking to oppose God’s work: Sanballat’s name means “sin (moon god) is life” and Tobiah’s name means “The Lord is good” . . . clearly their partnership was anti-God in nature. I also noted the importance of the King having opportunity to see Nehemiah’s face and how it was part of moving God’s plan into place.

I believe that watching for His message and watching to see what He is doing is what He meant in His exhortations to “watch and pray”. (Matthew 24:42Acts 20:311 Corinthians 16:13Colossians 4:21 Thessalonians 5:61 Peter 5:8)

I also have come to believe largely that masks are a sign of subordination to the spirit of the age which seeks to diminish God’s glory through His image-bearers, to suffocate YHWH, and to shut the mouths of the prophets (see John 10:101 Peter 5:81 Thessalonians 2:15-16), to bind people in fear, and to divide us through stifling our communication which is the core of Christian unity and oneness. This graphic I found on the internet explains a bit more:

Come Near, Do Not Fear, You Are Dear

What God is always ultimately after . . . in whatever ways we are being tested and tried . . . is our worship and our trust and our devotion. Scripture is loaded with stories of pressure and testing which caused the hearts of the people to reveal where they placed their trust. Not to condemn, but to reconcile through repentance and faith.

God is always asking the question of every soul: “Are you here putting your confidence in man or in Me?”

God is constantly speaking through His word, His creation, His people, and through signs and symbols . . . “Come to Me. Come closer. Listen. Watch and pray. Seek Me. I came for you, died for you, and everything is meant to draw you Me. I want you to put your trust in Me. I love you.” This is the reason we must know Him and be known by Him, that we can know His voice and discern His will. (See Romans 12:2)

How To Check Our Hearts For Idolatry

I’ve found these questions to be beneficial:

  • What makes me angry? What is the root or reason for the anger?
  • Am I being manipulative of other people?
  • Where am I struggling to hold on and keep control?
  • What am I afraid of losing?
  • Am I resting and trusting in God to meet my needs for peace, happiness, safety, health, reputation, etc?

So, Be Free & Free Others to Be

All who follow Jesus are free to follow Him wherever He leads and to serve Him without fear. We are ministers of reconciliation. It all starts with God and culminates with Him. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last.

Are you watching? Are you praying? What is He saying to YOU today? Do you trust Him alone?

He wants you and He wants you to want Him.

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