In Christ, You Have An Anointing

A friend shared recently how she has lost over 30lbs...then she told of how her son is being a light in another person's life. A woman scooted over next to her enthusiastically and squealed, "I want some of what you have to rub off on me!!!" 
I laughed and shared what God has been showing me about 'anointing' and oil.


In 1 John 2:20-21 John tells us (brothers and sisters in faith) that we have been anointed by the Holy One and have knowledge of the Truth (John 14:6). When we turn to Jesus with our whole heart, He takes up residence in us by His Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit’s anointing gives us knowledge of the truth and the ability to discern between true and not so true. 

Anointing (or unction) is defined as: shedding of Divine influence upon a person; manifestation of Spiritual inspiration.

Oil is representative of the Holy Spirit, which is our seal of salvation. (2 Corinthians 1:22)

In the Old Testament, anointing was a sign of consecration (being set apart as holy) to God; it was done by pouring oil on the head. Moses anointed Aaron and his sons as Priests in Exodus 29:7-9. 1 Samuel 16:13 tells us that David was anointed and set apart as King. God divinely anointed both Aaron and David to do the work that God had appointed them to do. God was with them and His grace and favor (the power of His Spirit) was upon them.


Reflecting on the common things I know about oil: 
  • Oil is used in the potpourri I used to carry in my shop; the fragrance is very recognizable to everyone who comes in. I believe it makes the fragrance "stick" . ( 2 Corinthians 2:14-16 )
  • Oil makes a surface look rich and shiny
  • Oil evaporates and needs to be reapplied on a regular basis to keep the fragrance fresh and lamps burning. ( Leviticus 24:2 ; Exodus 35:28
  • Oil reflects light off of the thing it is applied to. 
  • Oil keeps things like my maple butcher-block from becoming brittle. 
  • Oil makes muffins moist and tasty
  • Oil keeps my skin from itching and promotes healing. ( Jeremiah 8:22 )
  • Oil keeps engines running smoothly.
  • Oil fueled lamps of the past for light. ( Matthew 25:4 )

In conclusion

Oil carries fragrance, protects, shines, heals and keeps things supple. We can apply each of those properties of the Holy Spirit to ourselves. He is inside of us, manifesting Himself in us through His word, the prayers of His people, and their anointed hands! (I love that being together fuels us!)
The Greek word for 'anoint' is Chrio / Christos and means "His Anointed".
Jesus our Messiah is “The Anointed One”. (Luke 4:1)".
As Believers in Jesus, we are all priests of God (1 Peter 2:9) with the common anointing. We also have individual, distinct, God-given spiritual gifts for the purpose of building up the family of God.
Dear Believer, God has set you apart, filled you with Himself, and given you everything you need to serve Him! Isn't that freeing? Doesn't that give you a sense of rest and peace that God will fulfill His purpose for your life as you keep your relationship fresh with Him? Psalm 138:8 (So His OIL will continue to rub off on you!!!)
Keep in His word, hang with His people and you will then be a fragrant, compelling, brilliant beacon of light!
Dear Father in Heaven, 
Thank you that your fragrance of love is in us and on us. Bless us, your children, to honor you by believing that you give us everything we need! Help us resist being distracted by less valuable things than spending time with you each day. Help us remember your favor, grace and power are freely given to us. We walk by faith and not by sight, relying on You for everything we need. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 2 Corinthians 1:21-22  
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