(This is the title of Psalm 140.)
In a world riddled with sinful people, the Psalmist (King David) cries out to God to preserve him. He thanks God for being his salvation and for “covering his head in the day of battle”. (Psalm 140:7)
Then he prays for the Lord to serve His righteous justice: “Let burning coals fall upon them! Let them be cast into fire, into miry pits, never to rise. Let not the slanderer be established in the land; let evil hunt down the violent man speedily!” (Psalm 140:10-11)
“I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy. Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in your presence.”
King Saul literally hunted David for years. David understood that in this life we will inevitably suffer affliction and loss at the hands of sinful men. He also understood that in a world of injustice, waiting on God was the only way for true justice to be served. By committing himself to focusing on God, on God’s goodness, on God’s promises, and on praying, he was sustained in the waiting.
David never tried to force his will; he never sought to manipulate his way into position. He never once slandered the evil king. In fact, he was cut to the heart and repented for cutting off a corner of Saul’s robe! (1 Samuel 24:5)
In 2020, on top of the affliction seeking to attack our bodies from within, we’ve experienced the rise of injustice and violence on our streets. The seeds of this chaos were planted years ago, they’ve just come to fruition in this political year.
In the face of these things, the natural human response is fear. When unchecked, our fear results in “gnashing of teeth”
Shame & Blame spew forth from the human heart, that inner chamber which is the core of us. The heart is the place the Bible says “is deceitful above all else” — and “out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks.” (Or tweets, as the case may be.)
Unless the tongue is bridled by faith in God, it speaks poison. We need to be aware of this so we don’t add to the darkness of division.
In this year of disorder, we’ve all been witness to poisonous words. None of us are immune to its effects. The antidote to being swept up in the storm of pride and unbelief is FAITH.
Faith in God’s love and in His sovereign hand upon each of our lives is our sure hope. And faith gives us even more! Besides hope, we can have peace! And joy! And LOVE for those who’ve been overcome by fear.
We can have these fruits of faith because we have those who’ve gone before us that have been FAITHFUL. Those who’ve endured the trials of this life, who’ve suffered at the hands of sinful men have kept the faith “until” the Lord showed up with His breakthrough. (We can read about a list of them in Hebrews 11)
How’s your faith holding up? Have you been caught up in warring with words? It’s natural. We are all prone to responding from our emotions rather than faith.
We can follow David’s lead by turning to God in prayer and trusting Him to deliver us from evil men rather than trying to manipulate our circumstances with our own flawed methods.