I hear it when I wake up; rain drops echo in the bathroom fan of our single-level home. I welcome the sound like birdsong, morning voices proclaiming spring. But as the rainy day continues on into the next, the grey drizzle dampens my outlook.
It dawns on me how days like this require inner sunshine, an exercise of intentionality. I must move toward joy from what I know to be true in order to waylay a dreary countenance.
As a lover of light [and by that I mean both spiritual and earthly light, both the light of the glory of God as revealed in His word and in His creation . . . ] I would prefer to ignore the darkness. Especially as a writer, I’d prefer to only write of light things.
But what is true of light is that it illuminates that which is hidden in darkness.
In light we see.
There is much to learn from meditating on that fact.
Psalm 139 tells us that even the darkness is not dark to God. We cannot flee from His presence. The Light of the World sees all.
When I see things in this world that I’d rather not see, what comforts me is knowing that He sees it too. And He is almighty. He is greater than the darkness.
God’s omniscience is Holy Comfort for the soul that sees.
Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:13-14 The way is broad that leads to destruction and many are there. And that the way to heaven is narrow, and few find it.
And I don’t want to be on the broad way. I want to be His. Matthew 7:23-24
That is why for twenty seven years I have spent hours between the alpha and omega of the Logos and heard the Rhema. John 10:27
Seeing Light in the shadow of Easter:
On Palm Sunday the broad way band of men honored Jesus as King crying “Hosanna! Hosanna!” thinking that this miracle-worker was going to reign in their land and save them from the oppression of the current government, but then on Friday, when things weren’t going the way they’d hoped, the band shifted and in unified hatred they cried, “Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!”
His few narrow-way followers hid in the shadows, not yet understanding what was happening. They knew the Truth and entrusted themselves to God.
This morning I read of Korah, Dathan and Abiram who “took men” and rose up before Moses, with a number of people of Israel, 250 chiefs of the congregation, chosen from the assembly, well-known men. They assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron . . . and in unified hatred . . .
This broad-way band of men, jealous and rebellious, rose up against the men that God had anointed and appointed. And, long story short, it didn’t end up well for them. The three men who led the rebellion and their families were swallowed by the earth, and the rest of the men were consumed by holy fire. [You can read the entire edge-of-your-seat story in Numbers 16]
When Moses and Aaron were confronted by the rebels, the narrow-way followers fell on their faces before the Lord and allowed Him to be their defender, hidden under the shadow of His wing. They knew the Truth and entrusted themselves to God.
Today, we who see things in His light, as we view the internet and all it’s volatile commentators, through the lens of scripture can see the broad-way band of men. They chant one thing and then another. We can see the shifts of opinion, the band gaining momentum, the spread of opinions gaining power. A unified hatred against God growing. Here & Here & Here are just a few of the more blatant ways we recently see things shifting [notice the first two took place at night.]
And we who are the narrow way followers, we too must humbly cry out to God, trusting that we are tucked in the shadow of His wings. We must know the Truth and entrust ourselves to God.
Seeing in the light of the hope of Ninevah:
Even though we can see
the broad-way band of men gaining momentum, I have great HOPE that I want to encourage you with.
Let’s consider the great mercy of God for our day, how He sent Jesus to save ALL who come to Him in faith. Let’s remember that his mercy triumphs over judgement and how merciful He continues to be to this beautiful land we call home.
Hello running water, flushing toilet, hot shower! Good day reliable car, gasoline and paved roads! How can it be internet, cell phone and Starbucks?!
We, you and I, are born for such a time as this! We can individually and TOGETHER petition our God to bring His light to bear on our land in this day and He who turns things around might relent in allowing darkness to descend and instead bring truth to light.
2 Chronicles 7:14-15 If My people will humbly pray, seek my face and turn away from all their wicked ways [of pride and unbelief, of self-focus and self-promotion, of spiritual laziness and worldliness] THEN I will hear their prayers, forgive their sin and heal their land.
Twice God was going to judge all of Israel, but twice Moses interceded and God relented in judging the whole nation. [See Exodus 32:30-35 and Numbers 14:11-20]
Dear narrow-way follower, we are the light of the world! We have been given spiritual authority through Christ to fulfill His great commission and He promises He is with us. Matthew 28:18-20
Yes it’s cloudy, yes we get weary of the drip, drip, drip of the rain, but we can be encouraged that life comes out of darkness and look for the Life to pop up all around us as we are about His business.
It dawns on me how days like this require inner sunshine, an exercise of intentionality. I must move toward joy from what I know to be true in order to waylay a dreary countenance.
It’s true, that revival has come most often through God’s people uniting in His presence, with the reading of His word, worship and prayer. You might consider crossing off Thursday, May 5th on your calendar. If you are in the Minneapolis area, you could plan to come to UNITE NDOP.
If you are not nearby, click here and find something near you, start something at your church, or invite people to your house.
Let US TOGETHER, UNITE and PRAY!!! [email reader, click here for a song]