A Firm Stand

Have you thought long on the fact that what is on your feet is in direct correlation to your heart’s peace?
Me either . . . until recently.

 . . . and as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. Ephesians 6:15

As the wife of a woodworker / construction guy, I have always been more confident and comfortable working with him [and much more productive . . . imagine!] if my shoe has a heavy sole. Because . . . of potential consequences of nails sticking up, or boards being dropped.

Or, if you are a “shoe-sister” . . . with a closet full, you may be thinking of your own story of wearing “those heels” to that event . . . and how uncomfortable it was, or how you stood [literally] four inches tall while wearing them. 

As we look at the armor of a soldier through the apostle Paul’s eyes [Ephesians 6:10-21] in relation to our spiritual armor:

The boots a soldier wore had spikes on the bottoms similar to football cleats but more gripping. This would have enabled the soldier to not only stand firm in tumultuous soil, but also to advance in the goal to conquer.

Our level of peac [ie: trip us up]e directly correlates with our securing victory over the enemy! If the devil can steal our peace, he can overtake and overpower us!

So, how firm and secure are your feet today? How would you rate your heart-peace on a level of 1-10?

In her study “The Armor of God,” Priscilla Shirer uses a play on words as a sub-heading: “Prints of Peace”

Following, she talks about the enemy’s priority-pursuit to steal, kill and destroy our peace. John 10:10

“He intentionally stirs up discord, division, disruption, and disturbance, both within you and around you. He is the lord of chaos and confusion, using every opportunity to upset your sense of well-being and stability. He wants you uneasy, unbalanced, filled with anxiety, worry, and turmoil.” ~Priscilla Shirer #TheArmorofGodStudy

Notice the prefixes of the words “dis” and “un” . . . Stealing. Subtracting. Taking away our peace if our feet aren’t sturdied IN the gospel of peace.

I recall a picture in “The Four Spiritual Laws” tract [are you familiar with it?] where there is a circle [representing your heart] with a chair inside. And that chair is occupied with self until we receive salvation. At salvation, Jesus is given the seat on the chair [throne] and we are at his feet.

I think it’s the times when we de-throne Him [try to take control, and live according to our own power] that we lose our peace. My anxiety always comes when I place the burden of a trial on my own performance instead of praying and claiming the promises of God for my well-being or the well-being of my family.

I love Colossians 3:15 “Let the PEACE of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And BE THANKFUL.” . . . or we might say:

“Let the Prince of Peace rule in your heart”

And you might know a popular passage, Philippians 4:6-7 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication WITH THANKSGIVING let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Thanksgiving and trust are the happy couple that birth the peace that successfully rules and guards our hearts and minds.

I’ve been talking with my Bible Study groups about how we go about shifting the atmosphere when there is a cloud of doom lingering … and today’s message gives us a powerful strategy.

Giving thanks transforms our anxiety and fear into peace, thus steadying our stand and equipping us to be offensively taking the victory that is rightfully ours in Christ.

In what areas or relationships are you regularly targeted with anxiety or fear that you might employ a holy thanksgiving party to shut up the enemy?

Is there a situation that you would like prayer in order for you to secure peace? Because often we need other soldiers to be in the battle line with us or we are much like a “sitting duck!”

Or are you as a ‘seasoned warrior’ standing firm as a storm rages around you?

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