Have you ever had a friend who required more of you than you had to give? When I remember my own experiences with other’s unrealistic expectations, I bristle.
Another way of describing this; a word you might be more familiar with, is “doormat”.
Think about a doormat.
A doormat is a thing to be used. A doormat has no freedom.
I have a compliant personality and I like to help people. In the past, those things have made me a good candidate to be taken advantage of by those who have dominant personalities. Compliant helpers can be subject to people who seek others to prop them up; to be at their beck and call.
Who doesn’t want a personal servant?
Years ago, I was building a friendship with a neighbor. I prayed with and encouraged her on the phone many times. Several months into our friendship, I gave her a Bible study and showed her how to dig in. The day we met to go over the study, she told me she was too lazy to look up verses. She’d been depending on me to pray for her, to encourage her, and to help her. But she wasn’t willing to make faith her own. One day something I said offended her. She ended our relationship.
I discovered too slowly that another friend expected me to be perfect. When I didn’t do what she wanted or when I failed to say what she expected to hear—whenever I disappointed her—she blew up at me. One day, after one too many outbursts, I realized I had no freedom to be human. It occurred to me that having me in her life was actually detrimental to her spiritual well-being. After much prayer and counsel from others, I ended the relationship.
Did you notice the debates of the past year were . . . lopsided? The stronger wave of ideologies escalated to the point of largely silencing dissenters. Its force caused business owners to compromise convictions in order to appease complainers. The louder ones reminded me of the friends who’d demanded more of me than God expected me to give.
Since before masks were mandated, I believed them to offer a false sense of hope and security. In the context of requiring healthy people to act as if they are contaminated, I view masks as manipulative tools. Requiring masks on healthy people is akin to declaring someone guilty without being tried. It’s just wrong.
Many people have used Mark 12:17 to support obedience to the mask mandates. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s (the coin bears his image). . . but I noticed very few stated or exposited the second half of Jesus’ words, that of rendering to God what is God’s. What is God’s? Who’s image is on you and me?
When God created us as His image-bearers, He meant for our faces to reflect Him. By covering them broadly in public, we diminish His glory.
Yes, that is what I was told. I also heard a story last week of a pregnant teacher telling a student who wasn’t properly wearing a mask that he was going to “kill her baby”—for real. A teacher bullied a student. It makes me weep thinking of what the kids are enduring.
To help you understand better where I’m coming from, please consider this:
When Karen requires me to wear a mask for
her protection or to protect her aunt Marge, she is assuming I am contaminated, and she is making me and my mask her hope for health. She thinks I am her potential savior.
Did you know? All of our days are ordained (Psalm 139:16) and God is in charge of when we die. (Psalm 49:15; Psalm 56:13; Psalm 68:20) Do you know that God allows suffering for His purposes? (James 1:2-3; 1 Peter 5:10)
It seems many are seeking people to play God.
On the flip side, God calls us to heal the sick. We must pray for them and minister as God leads. This might be part of the reason God allows illness—to show His love through caregivers and to show His power in sustaining and healing lives.
On the other hand, if Karen wears a mask to protect her own health, that is her conviction to take care of her body, which God has declared His temple. (1 Corinthians 6:19) As a steward of her temple, she should wear one, guilt-free.
Additionally, the now-famous Dr. Faucci’s words state that viruses are not typically spread through asymptomatic people.
Add to all that, the common idea that “I might be contaminated” creates a culture of suspicion and caters to fear-of-man. The Bible talks about the futility of fearing people in Proverbs 29:25 and Matthew 23:5 and Jeremiah 17:5.
Many people have used the argument that we wear seatbelts in the car . . . we wear shoes and shirts in the store. But, will you think about those arguments with me for a sec? Seat belts are to protect the person strapped in. I honestly don’t think it should be a law, but since it is, and since I’m putting it on my own body for protection, it is not a valid comparison. Me putting my seat belt on isn’t believed to protect Karen.
Shoes and shirts in a grocery store are to keep a sense of respectability, while face-covering is symbolic of shame. (Psalm 44:15; Jeremiah 51:51)
"No shirt, No shoes, No service" signs would certainly have been used by business owners who thought hippies were undesirable patrons." Read more here.
So, you can see that neither one of those are valid comparisons to require healthy people to cover their smiles and hinder their oxygen airways.
I find it fascinating—secular people who fail to ever cite scripture suddenly became experts with one convenient verse. How many who cite “love thy neighbor”, I wonder, have quoted the commandment that comes just before? Love the Lord thy God. How many are seeking to influence culture to love God with all their heart by obeying Him?
Since he took the time to create this, here is a pastor I value highly talking about loving thy neighbor as it relates to vaccines. (Same application would apply to masks.)
My love of my neighbor comes from loving God first. Loving God first means I trust He is sovereign over every detail of my life and of every detail of yours.
Jesus is protector, provider, sustainer, healer, and keeper of every single life. Even the sparrows.
Here then, is the better commandment: Love Thy Jesus, live free in His love, then pray for and minister to the sick. (Mark 12:30-31; Galatians 5:1; John 15:5; Matthew 10:1)