I’ve been gathering friends on the YouVersion Bible app to read devotions together. If you are interested in joining me, find me on there and friend request me.
It’s been a rich experience. I have shared many responses Jesus gives me on my social media feeds. The one we are in this week is on the story of Nehemiah and I’m loving how relevant it is for us.
Look at how God answered Nehemiah’s prayer! It reminds me of Ephesians 3:20!
“God uses impossible circumstances to prove His faithfulness and strength to us. . . . He is the way-maker. Impossible circumstances are His proving ground. And when we are blind to the truth of what’s going on in individuals, families, and communities as a whole, we risk missing what He’s doing—and what He’s calling us to do with Him.” ~Quote from Day One: Keep Doing What Seems Impossible on YouVersion
We often think of our individual lives when looking at scripture. We draw truth from God’s word that helps us walk by faith and recover lost ground.
But the list of what God has done through His people in scripture (Moses with a staff, Joshua with a horn, David with a stone, etc) shows the power of ONE with God on behalf of a national movement!
Waldo-like people chiseling away at a stone wall of TRUTH, and it was a representation of the spiritual war.
Satan hates truth. Our nation (don’t let the history re-writers tell you otherwise) was founded on TRUTH. Our constitution is a covenantal document based on truth.
The verse God spoke with the image was 1 Timothy 3:15b … “The church of the living God, the PILLAR and FOUNDATION of TRUTH.”
As censorship increases and as I hear people say, “they are brainwashed” or “they need to be deprogrammed” — the spiritual war becomes more visible. Until 2020, we were hardly aware of it on our shores, though it’s been here all along. Ultimately, the darkness seeks to overtake the light (which is the church, the upholder of truth) BUT GOD—Jesus—we are the light, and the darkness will NOT overcome!!! It can’t!
Nehemiah believed God, and STOOD his ground against all opposition. I believe Nehemiah’s success was built upon the fact that He tended the fire of his relationship with God as evidenced in his prayers.
Tending the fire of our intimacy with God and fortifying our faith is the most important pursuit of our life, always, but now more clearly than ever.
Follow me on Instagram for daily inspiration.