I wasn’t open about it when I was going through it. I was ashamed.
I remember the people — every single one of them — who tried to help me when they had no idea how. Some well-meaning attempts drove me deeper in at the time. But there was grace. Every effort was at least a drop of water for my parched soul even if my thirst for deliverance was in no way quenched.
My experience in what I call “the pit” – Psalm 40:2 gave me the name – has served me heaps of wisdom in understanding the depths of darkness that can nearly suffocate a soul. My experience of deliverance also enables me to give hope to those who are feeling strangled by their own emotional bondage.
I mentored my dearest friend to spiritual health. Not me actually, but Christ in me. The reason we saw victory together is because the Holy Spirit lives in us both. Her pit was anorexia which seems always to be accompanied by both anxiety and depression.
When I first met my friend, I had no idea of the dark waters she was drowning in. No idea how God was going to use the darkness I’d walked through to help another find her stand on the Rock. Psalm 40:2
We met weekly. She called between — when the temptations were overtaking her because of her strict control of the scale’s number. I remember being surprised when she called to tell on herself. The Holy Spirit was giving her power, I knew. I prayed for her.
One day I drove away from the coffee shop we frequented, having watched her countenance go from heavy dark clouds to partly sunny during our time together — because the Spirit encouraged her through my words — in tears I thanked the Lord for what I went through.
I could be what I once needed.
I shook my head a bit at the idea that I’d thank Him for that. Only He knows the depth of terror I experienced almost 19 years ago now. I remember it like it was yesterday though. It was hell. But the only hell I’ll ever know. Praise Jesus for His cross.
I can’t begin to tell you how many beautiful things our God has done in and through the life of my friend. She was not the only one broken in her family. We’ve prayed together for so many might-be tragedies or traps, and we’ve seen great and mighty deliverances.
Not only have our prayers averted satanic schemes to steal, kill, and destroy, but God has painted beauty with my friend’s life.
He moved us both. We grieve we are walking roads too far apart for now. But our paths had necessarily distanced even when she was near, because when you are standing on the Rock, then God takes you wherever He wants you to go so you can grab another hand . . . to help another stand.
God gave her a vision of her plowing her row, and mine was over yonder. Occasionally we meet up again to share stories of our plowing and planting in God’s garden. And then we get back to the mission. Even though our rows are far apart, she is never far from my heart.
It is my intent to do a series on anxiety because it seems to be an epidemic. Those who have not known it need help to understand. I want to offer both understanding for those who love people struggling, and hope for those struggling themselves. #withGodallthingsarepossible
He drew me out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. Psalm 40:2