Dear Sunrise, What Message Do You Bring?

Dale had heard of how the sun would suddenly pop up over the horizon of the ocean. We’d driven out onto the sandy shore in Jacksonville, FL that morning to wait for it. Pulling my sweatshirt tighter in the chill of the February morning, my eyes focused on the backdrop of cottony pinks blending with velvety violet just beyond the thrumming waves.

We were not disappointed by the magnificence of the show, the bursting of wonder, a grand introduction to a new day.

Six years later, the sight and sound remain seared in my memory.

This rising and setting that marks our days, that wakens and quiets every soul . . . beyond its function and beyond its grandeur, has more to say to us . . . but we likely think little of its message.

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive -to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” ~Marcus Aurelius


We might grasp a moment of wonder as we walk past the window, its rays landing across the floor, casting all form of shadows.

We might catch a glimpse of its glory as it begins to set yet again, breathing out a “wow!” as we move on to the next thing.

We most often go about our day without thinking of its rhythmic, warming message.

As the Artist’s art is meant to speak, what is the sunrise saying?

I think I hear the message!

“Good Morning, Beloved!”
I’m here! I’ve given you LIGHT to live by. I want you to marvel at my provision and my artistry!
It’s a new day! Let’s begin again!
Yesterday? You closed your eyes on it. Let it go, there’s no going back.
But! See the sunrise? Did you see it today?
Do you realize morning marks another new beginning?
I’m giving you a new opportunity to see!
Beloved, let your eyes behold — hold onto the things you see.
The gifts you see are from Me, expressing my love, my care, and my provision for you.
Have you thought about what it would be like to have no sun?
Have you considered what living would be like with only the moon?
What if I’d given no sun or moon?
Ah, now you see!

This day, it is a love-gift from Me!

Take joy! Rejoice!

Could the One who made the sun, make all things new for you — today?

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
his mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23

Are you looking for Him?

Are you listening for His voice?
Are you living expectantly?
The sun reminds us that He is good and He is magnificent!

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