Perhaps to some degree, we’ve all been in situations similar to our brothers and sisters in Texas.
When it’s 2:00 am, the croupy cough of my one year old daughter is scaring me. We’ve been through this before; there was nothing the hospital could do. Do I take her in?
They’ve heard about the coming storm, the potential for flooding. Will it really be that bad? Do we leave?
When the terrifying thought came late in the year 2000, “Am I having a nervous breakdown?” during my season of anxiety and insomnia; I feared losing control of my mind. I’d witnessed the desperate condition in my aunt when I was in middle school and our family had taken her in. During her stay, I did not look forward to getting off of the school bus. Will that happen to me?
Their house is on higher ground. It is serving as a place of refuge for the neighbors, but the rain keeps coming. Will the waters rise so high that we will be needing to be rescued like the others?
When I read Gindi Vincent’s Harvey Hit Houston yesterday morning, the feelings of helplessness and the questioning of my own experiences surfaced from my memories.
The rising flood waters awakened me again to my humanity, reminding me of how absolutely desperate I am for God.
Every breath – every day – a gift.
I transport myself into a house in Houston, with flood waters rising all around me. I think of the worst case scenario. What if it gets so bad and there is no way out – no one to rescue me?
As the flood waters rise, so does awareness of my need for the gift of salvation and eternal life.
If I were on the second floor of my house and the waters were rising in the floor below, I know I would feel fear. Though I know where I am going when I die, and I don’t fear death in the sense of fearing eternal separation from God with all His goodness and glory. I know I would feel fearful.
But I also know from experience, I’d wrestle down my fear with my faith. Just like Jesus did in Gethsemane – when He faced his death He wrestled down His fear. [Matthew 26:36-46]
Through prayer, the ministry of God’s Spirit, and remembering what is ahead, He persevered and I can too. So can you.
So are my friends who are wondering what to do as the waters rise. Because even if our God does not rescue us, we know our lives [our eternal souls] are safe in Him.
For it was fitting that he, for whom and by whom all things exist, in bringing many sons to glory, should make the founder of their salvation perfect through suffering. . . . Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.
Hebrews 2:10, 14-15
Jesus endured our suffering and death in his human body in order to destroy the one who has power over death.
This is how we always win over fear – by fixing our eyes on the things unseen.