Diving Into The Deep During Lent

The sound of waves land the shore, my heart smiles at the wonder of these tiny people . . . this memory . . .

I took these last April and landed on them while browsing my 17,000 photos in my phone today. [Help!]

My heart fills with joy when I remember this day. And I know – this granny thing closely represents the heart of our Heavenly Father. ♥️
As I meditate on Isaiah 53 this week, I’m full of gratitude – and especially remembering the autumn of 2000, when I had sunken into anxiety and depression, and insomnia was stealing my life. It literally felt like hell. I believed I’d committed the unpardonable sin by my fear and unbelief during that dark season. I was terrified that I was cut off from God. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, when I kept silent my body was wasting away indicative of my soul.

It’s true, a bruised reed He will not crush. [Isaiah 42:1-4] Jesus came into my mess with His message of mercy and lifted me out of the pit. ?Thankfully, He showed me that I was wrong. ? in fact, He was pruning me, delivering me from self-reliance, inferiority and unbelief.
They say this life is the only hell that believers will experience . . . and the only Heaven that unbelievers will experience.
The hell I experienced was deep regret and powerlessness to be absolved from my sin. And extreme self-awareness. Hell is the absence of peace, love, joy, and hope. All of which are found in Jesus.

Please don’t stay stuck in slavery to sin, when Jesus gave His life for you. Let Him have it all. That is why He came, died and arose. His mercy covers all who repent and believe.

I’m writing short devotionals on my Instagram account starting at Isaiah 53:12 and going verse by verse backward. Take a peek at how it’s laying out here.

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