I really love that God gives us the command to take a Sabbath. [we just have to fight to keep it]
My week wasn’t labor intensive in the sense of having a ton of tasks, but was intense in the sense of bearing burdens and continuing to bring them to the Lord. Some things get me up in the night . . . It always starts in the form of worry, but I’ve learned to turn them to prayers.
Turning worry to prayer is how to stand on the head of the devil.
I often thank God for my worries and fears, because they are indication that I care. That I am awake and watchful. And as long as I turn them to prayer, they have value.
It’s funny to me that the first thing I think of telling you was of the burdens. Human nature maybe. Or that the burdens became more intense toward the end of the week. Because, truly-despite the seemingly endless rainy days, this has been a good, good week!
On Tuesday at Bible study, we heard a wild story of God intervening in a crisis. I wish I could tell it to you, and maybe I will be able to some day. I just know that as the story was being told, we could see God’s hand providing people in key places and orchestrating circumstances, and bringing good into what could have been a tragic situation — because we prayed!
And on Tuesday and Thursday I had friends visit me.
It does a heart good to have someone go out of their way to spend time with you. Friendship is a sweet gift.
And I am thankful for you dear reader, and your encouragement. Every time I get a comment from you or see you have liked a post, I am encouraged to press on. So, thank you!
Here are the rays of light I savored online this week.
They will bless, encourage and fire you up!
Why Attending Church Is So Important ~ by my friend Matt Brown
The King Is Enthralled With Your Beauty ~ This is a spoken drama of a favorite passage of scripture. Psalm 45:10-11, 13
Culture Clash: Freedom Or Constraint ~ A 38 minute message by Pr. Bob from Eagle Brook Church
And of course, a song: To Live Is Christ by the Sidewalk Prophets
Happy Sabbath Friends! May you keep your eyes on Jesus who redeems, restores, rebuilds and resurrects! And may you stand on the promises of God who never fails!