Spring has sprung and life is unfurling all around. Flowers pop, leaves bud.
My mom came early Wednesday and we met my cousin for coffee. There were two patio tables outside Caribou, and we sat under the warm rays praying before our goodbye hugs.
Returning home, mom and I sat out front where I had dusted off the pair of adirondack chairs and we chatted before walking down the hill to a little cafe for lunch.
It rained the next day and the grass POPPED in, the color more brilliant than I remembered! It’s like I have to wipe winter’s dust back from my eyes too!
That day we sat looking over a rugged, shaggy lawn, and like when the sun pops over the horizon, the next day, lush grass. We don’t quite have a mower ready though. D has been working on that in the garage for weeks – waiting for parts, running for parts, and tweaking the parts.
I don’t get to see the sunset from home. This has been a hard reality after having watched the sun set over the lake for over a year. I never took that view for granted. I praised God every sunset, every sunrise. And so last night when D told me he was out of his coffee creamer and I volunteered to run out and get him some, it was like a kiss from God to drive toward that glory in the top of the photo above.
I had little Oliver all day Friday, the one carrying the heavy jar of chocolate chips that he successfully grabbed off the counter, and bringing them to me said, “More? More?” – Because in the absence of candy in the house, both his daddy and I enjoyed a small handful with our coffee occasionally-before he left home for college.
It was a bit chillier on our walk than I anticipated and I had a pair of $2. gloves tucked in my pocket. Oliver actually wore them all the way home!
I didn’t get to see my other three grand boys this week, but thank you SnapChat! I can still “see” them and screenshot them all on the slide, stair-step fashion.
They call me Gramma Kathy [Kaffey] and their other grandma is “Gramma Jo” . . . last night I got this text from my daughter who had her friend Lindsey over:
And now, here’s more light for your Sunday:
If you are bringing in flowers, view this post for keeping them alive longer.
My friend’s daughter Molly is in college and [wise beyond her years I think] wrote a Letter For When You Forget Your Worth
My daughter-in-law wrote. When Stress Reigns: A Note From This Messy Heart
This little boy’s ballet, and this mom [me] was moved to tears. Seriously.
And finally, this song Greater: [I think the video is as beautiful as the song!]
Happy Sabbath Friends!