Where O Death Is Your Sting?

I covered my legs with my boiled-wool sweater. I keep it in my jeep in case I get stranded and need another layer. Today I need another layer on my legs. Dear Jeep of mine, you’re laboring hard, and your heat is . . . not warm.

And my fingers are frozen.

My hands take turns. One on the steering wheel and the other beneath my thigh.  And I whisper a prayer, “Dear Lord, fix my heat.” And as I do, I know I am spoiled. Images of homeless people, freezing . . . flash across my heart. Is it from a movie I saw? Or the man standing, holding a sign at the freeway exit?

And the song comes on, Waiting Here For You by Christy Nockels “You’re everything You’ve promised. Your faithfulness is true and we’re desperate for your presence. All we need is you.”

All we need is You, because you are everything. You are the Giver of all Good Gifts. Author of Life. Almighty and Good. Faithful and True.

Another thought comes, “None of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Life is precious. I know this now more than ever. In fact, I think all the losses, all the trials, all the death has served me in gaining an eternal perspective. I feel so much less attached to this world.”

My HOPE is High.

Even as my heart is broken again . . . and strained from circumstances bearing down that get me out of bed to cry out to the Lord for His mighty hand to move.

I trust Him. I really do. He has proven His goodness over and over. But so often I have to wrestle my doubt and fear down to the ground with truth. Remembering His faithfulness. His promises are true. He IS a good good Father. Oh yes He is.

My son-in-law lost his job a few weeks before Christmas.

We get this news in the middle of our painful move. [more on that later]

We are still waiting for the next job to open. In the mean time, God has done amazing things. He has provided. Their rent was paid. They have food. And He blessed them with greatly needed, and sweet gift of bonding time. Andrew just finished his six years with the Air Force Reserves which took him away from home often during their six years of marriage and having three babies.

His gifts are indeed above all we could ask or imagine. Right in the middle of hard, Ephesians 3:20.

This week we lost another grand baby. Our son and his wife letting go of two treasures within six months. Two babies getting heaven before we do.

Our Anchor Holds, our faith in our Savior.

I’m on my way in the cold jeep to watch their firstborn treasure for the day, I’m thinking on all these things.

This little man that we are so thankful for, the smiles [or funny faces] keep joy unhindered, and right on the surface. Sorrow can not win. 


It amazes me that because of Jesus, we can do this thing. The sorrowing, yet always rejoicing. 2 Corinthians 6:10

Yes. Death is inevitable for us all. None escape. But we, who have placed faith in Christ Jesus have this blessed assurance of eternal joy in God’s presence, a joy and a glory that far outweighs all trials we experience here.

Heaven. This is where we fix our gaze, with Jesus as our prize.

And the things of earth? They grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace.

1 Corinthians 15:54- 55 “When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory” “O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”

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