Thirty One Days of Walking With God [or running or tripping as the case may be]

So, there is this “Write For 31 Days” blogging thing that happens every October. I’ve watched from afar over the past several years.

Many of my friends join in.

Like Jacque Watkins – you don’t want to miss her 31 Days of What You Should Know Before An Affair – and you will love her podcast (shameless plug!) Mudstories!

My daughter is doing “Write 31 Days” for the second year at her blog The Creative Jayne.

And I’ve considered it.

Since my best writing seems to come out of pain . . . I resist a strong urge to ‘be a writer.’ [although I am a writer because I write-but you know what I mean…]

The desire lurks in the background of my heart since my first “article” was published in the Forest Lake Times. I was in fourth grade. 

I wrote about a little girl getting a doll for Christmas.

Original, I know.

My mom raved about it. AND anything my mom raved about has become an interest in my life. So there’s that. #BlameMom πŸ˜ƒ

Since I’ve been thinking of it for a whole two days and it is October 2nd already, I figured there is no time like the present, and better late than never!

Since I’m naturally a rule-follower, I can’t skip yesterday. So now you get two days in one.

Free of charge. πŸ™‚

October 1st:
My mini pumpkins looked puckered as I passed by on the way out the door to meet friends for breakfast in town.
“They could NOT have frozen!” I thought. But upon inspection, found them to be squishy on the bottom. I paid money for them, and now they are ‘dead’.

This is the ‘before’ picture. I can’t take an after because I promptly sent them sailing into the woods for deer food. And watched them smash to smithereens. 

“Really God? It’s too early for frost on the pumpkins!” 

I didn’t hear Him say so, but I’m guessing He thought differently.

I did feel Him smile with me though. 

I ordered a bagel with butter and an egg over hard. Three friends + one sister = lots of laughter. Lanni had eye surgery on one eye. Which made us laugh when she had to hold one eye closed and her phone a mere 2″ from her ‘old’ eye to see.  And there may have been a few jokes about aging.

My sister was caught with her phone -notably often- to search out whoever came into conversation that she didn’t know.

“Is she always a Facebook Stalker?!!” Becky, who had just met my sister asked.

“She’s researching.” I said. [Note: We were talking about our children . . . or a few other relatives like Jaci Valasquez – because her aunt sat next to me having eggs and hash-browns.]

“Thank you God, for friends and laughter, and relatives . . . and friends . . . and time with my sister and friends!”

Then I switched restaurants to meet my friend Holly. She’s in the midst of a major project which I was finally going to get a chance to help with, but we snuck in a half hour away from the chaos for her-sanity mocha. Then we were off to her newly acquired old house which she is renovating to be her ballet studio. [She reported during ‘mocha time’ that God had been providing in AMAZING ways for this extremely low-budget project-which I hope to be able to tell you about in the future!!!]

I prayed for the project her parents are working on in this photo-making two rooms into one large one, and for Karar Academy

These are the benches in the dressing room in process.

After painting a table, we got a little giant ladder to hoist onto the stairs, and I finished the high wall above the stairway before I left for a quick visit with my daughter-in-law and Mr. Adorable. It had been TWO whole weeks since seeing them!!!

He’s saying “Mama” and “Da-da” now. And “Uh-OH!” when something falls to the ground. 

I had to show you that. For obvious reasons. 

October 2:
Briefly ~ I know you are busy!

Daily I start out with God in ‘my little corner’ on a love seat in my living room. Most often I spend 2-4 hours reading, praying, and occasionally I create graphics to go with what the Lord speaks to me about. I text people God puts on my heart or who I’ve prayed for and then I browse social media to encourage friends and get my news. I sometimes turn on the TODAY show at 7:00 and pray for the top stories.

I get my inspiration for graphics while reading the Bible, or the words of Oswald Chambers of Charles H. Spurgeon in my little corner.

This morning we had our MOPS steering team meeting where we solidified the plan for next week’s MOPS meeting.

And then . . . [I’ve been waiting for this all summer!!!] I got to go horseback riding with my friend Wendy who is employed at the local camp and houses the horses at home through the winter. Today they were ‘going home’ and so it was our last chance to ride.

And it was a HEAVENLY day which had me all kinds of praising the Lord who gives and gives and gives – not the least of which are these rich friendships that I get to celebrate.

FALL!!! How I love a crisp 60* sunny, colorful day! 

Wendy, getting Diesel ready. My horse Barbie is behind.

I’m a dork and wore my running holster on my arm so I’d have my phone with me. I had three layers on today. A plaid shirt, a wool sweater and my jean jacket. 

Barbie would NOT stay still for a photo. This is as good as it got.

Upon returning home I paid bills – YAHOO!!! I thanked God for His constant provision. He is a Promise KEEPER!!! 

And then just as the sun was shimmering on the lake outside my window, I decided to trade in my planned grocery shopping excursion for a phone call on the deck to my North Carolina friend Renee who had texted of her rare availability.

In over an hour, we caught up on blessings, challenges, and family before ending the call with prayer over one another. Her words were balm as she prayed about my recent necessary UProoting. God had already told me this morning “Remember my past works” and without her knowing it, she prayed that very word, “remember.”

And that is really the point of this series topic. I am praying that together we can see God more clearly in our every day lives. That we can celebrate the daily moments and remember them more readily in the future because we’ve taken note of them. Praying that my daily journey might inspire you to make note somewhere of yours. Perhaps in a journal at the end of a day . . . or a week.

I’ve begun using these hashtags on Instagram. If you want to gather your memories of walking with God, join me by using the hashtags: #SeekHim #ListenToHim #LoveHim #KnowHim #WalkingWithGod

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