Occasionally, music swoops down and lifts my soul, twirling joy, and spilling light . . .
. . . the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God. ~John 16:27 NIV
Humus. It is the root word of
humility. It is also the root word of
Men, made of earth.
We are the lowly, ashes to ashes material. And dust to dust.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. ~Matthew 5:3 NIV
Humble humans get heaven. The ones who know we are empty until.
One Man, not from dust, came down from Heaven.
We are told, and we sing it, He is the Light of the world.
Jesus, Fully God, full of the Holy Spirit, and the exact representation of God the Father.
Hebrews 1:3 NIV
A kind King. A beautiful Blesser. A radiant Redeemer. A generous Giver.
The Father, He would give His greatest Treasure to humans.
A Diamond delivered to dirt.
And dirt, surrendering becomes encapsulated in Diamond.
To highlight His lavish love, He came encapsulated in skin. Light entered through darkness,
and came not to a Mansion, but to a manger.
To show His mercy, He chose a brutal, bloody, humiliating display of human-hatred toward His human-loving glory.
The One whose very name holds such power as to make men bristle or to make them rejoice.
The Rock of Ages.
Humans, we all return to earth, but Diamonds rise.
We can fall on the Rock humble, and rise up. Or we fall under the Rock, proud and crushed.
Matthew 21:44 NIV
That is the one decision.
Resist the Diamond or surrender.
“I touch the sky when my knees hit the ground.” ~Hillsong United [Touch the Sky]
God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble. . . . Humble yourself before the Lord and He will lift you up. ~James 6:4, 10 NIV