Life Is Here Today!
Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live. Galatians 1:4
The alarm jolted her awake. And it was there again, the feeling of foreboding. The sense that failure was imminent. It was like a background noise, this dark cloud in her mind. A weight of dark.
So common was the morning greeting, she’d become accustomed to bearing the heavy weight of it. Barely living.
Limping through her day wondering why every step felt shaky.
There were pressures to STOP IT.
How she wished she could.
“How are you today?” He’d ask upon returning from work.
And she’d hated to say it again, “Not great.” and his disappointment showed on his face. Frustration even.
He was sick to death of whatever it was that was going on with her. Why can’t she see life is good?
And she was sick to death of waiting for some relief, some light to overcome her darkness.
Depression stuck, like last night’s burnt lasagne on the edges of the pan still in the sink.
In her fear, she’d lost sight of love.
In her gloomy state, those who loved her couldn’t. Didn’t know how.
She’d groped. Digging into her Bible, looking for answers.
But she was missing the one thing that would allow the truth to set her free.
One thing that had to be unlocked by Another.
She was missing Trust. She wanted to trust, but something was blocking it.
How often she looked for the key. How she longed to be free from the depressing prison.
How she longed to love life.
Longed to be loved.
Unbelief was blocking love.
One day, Love broke through.
Words suddenly, a mirror to her heart:
“You are listening to the wrong voice.”
“Mine is the voice of love.”
“You are looking for love in the wrong place.”
“You are seeking to make yourself lovable.”
“Do you see that? “Make Yourself?”
“It is I who made you.
I, the One who died for you.
Only I can love you perfectly.”
“You can choose to believe.”
“Do you believe?”