I pray this most often for the people I love, and for all people.
That God would give us a desire for Truth in our inmost being and fill us with wisdom.
Our inmost desires drive us and determine our choices.
Desire drives our priorities.
Guides our words.
Truth is love.
Truth is the great emancipator. [John 8:32]
Without Truth, there is ultimately death of some sort.
Death in relationships.
Death of dreams.
Death of purity.
Of health.
Of wholeness.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. [John 14:6]
Ultimately I pray for hunger & thirst for Jesus in our inmost being.
The Bread of Life and Living Water that springs up to eternal life. [John 4:14; John 7:38]
He is our wisdom. [1 Corinthians 1:30]
He is our Life. [Colossians 3:4]
I hope you will plan on praying for our nation on the National Day of Prayer on May 7th.
If you are in the Twin Cities area, join us here with Kari Jobe and Francis Chan: [or this year you can participate from your home!] UNITE