I don’t know why it seemed so crucial to know if it was something I did that caused my spiraling into the pit anxiety or if it was God who’d led me into the wilderness. I’d always hoped it was His doing.
Anxiety: Fearful concern, worries: strangle or choke
I’d been spinning many heavy plates at once.
It was my fourth grade daughter’s first year of public school and I continued teaching my 2nd grader at home. My husband, mostly absent from home; working seven days a week constructing big buildings, and with over an hour’s commute one way, was often not a happy commuter.
Guilt was boring a hole in my soul for spending money – me, responsible for the groceries. Groceries, the expense always blamed for depleting our account. And then there was the ‘bailing-out’ of homeschooling. Even though we’d prayed and agreed, there were the disappointed words of others, atop the inner voice: “failure”. . .
Click on over to Deeper Waters where we are reading the classic book by Hannah Whitall Smith, “The Christian’s Secret of a Happy Life” together. Today I highlight chapter 2