I love celebrating Thanksgiving through the entire month of November. A few years back I enjoyed honoring each of my 10 siblings over the course of the month on Facebook.
Other years I have posted thanksgiving lists. This year, I wanted to do something different. So I decided to post a daily edited photo.
Below you will find the first 18 days of #NovemberThanksgiving2014.{You can follow me on Instagram for more Thanksgiving photos!}
November Thanksgiving 2014:day 1~ the blessing of having toddlers in your life because. Enthusiasm & Perspective.
November Thanksgiving 2014 ~ Day 2 ~ happy joy colors a dull canvas.
November Thanksgiving day 3 ~ Thankful for the treasure of a daughter who steps into unknown places courageously, who makes the most of what she’s been given, who loves my grandbabies well, is creative and who is also a precious friend.
Day 4 thankful for our little boy . . . man, who lives with integrity, humor, passion, and often grease and mismatched clothes-you know, for fun . . . And especially for his tender heart, his strength, and loving his family well.
Day 5 ~ so often The Lord reveals to me the reality of my need of Him through children. God says, in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we must become like little children. And what He means by that is we acknowledge we need Him. When Parker reached out his arms for help to “dit down”, I saw myself in the same position when I pray for the things I need: wisdom, strength, courage, healing, provision, grace. Salvation. And in my response to Parker, I see a reflection of God in my delight to answer the call and help the little man “dit down” I’m so thankful for the reminder that when we call-He answers.
Day 6 ~ without water, I die. I stink. I am blemished and diseased. How thankful I am for the abundance of clean water we have to drink, to bathe in, to cleanse, refresh, and heal! Water – necessary for our food. And to top off my amazement of this miraculous provision ~ the joy and wonder of its beauty! Of its re-creational opportunities! Thank you Lord, for this gift of life and for your Living Word having all the same properties!
Day 7 ~ Im ever so thankful for LIGHT. To expose the beauty or the flaw, that I can know the truth. I can remove the splinter or the log from my eye and help another if they desire. I’m thankful for the safety it brings, keeping me out of the ditch, on the the right path, guiding me through the dark valley, helping me out of the deep pit. Light also warms me, and makes me dance. Jesus is the Light of the world. He is the Light of life. He is the Son that shines light to reveal, heal, guide and deliver.
Day 8 ~ When your kids are little, you wonder who might one day be their soul-mate. Then they make their choice and you gain another son or daughter. I’m so thankful for this guy. Watching him and my girl grow together, go through their share of early-marriage challenges and continue growing closer and persevering has been such a blessing. And the icing on the cake is—>>> Babies!!!
Day 9 ~ I’m so grateful for this beauty. I love spending time with her. She is sweet, and I love our conversations. She’s wise, loves the Lord, and as I’ve gotten to know her, it’s clear that she is a perfect compliment to my boy. I love seeing them together and . . . you know! (Oh baby!)
Day 10 ~ Thankful for anticipation for the joy that lies ahead. In every dark night, there’s a sunrise. In every longing, looking for fulfillment. In every leafless wood, though there may be a hint of dread for a long winter ahead, there still comes the heart’s dance: anticipation for wonders to come.
Day 11. Thankful for color. Color draws my attention and causes me to pause and praise. I believe color is a message from God, “I want to delight you! & I’m The all-things-beautiful-Creator!”
Day 12 ~ this decisive, risk-taking man I married, with an endless amount of determination, with a zealous drive to accomplish, has rebuilt cars, trucks and semis. He’s owned a cabinet shop and a residential construction company. He then went on to build and remodel big buildings like the Excel Energy Center and the historic Sears building. He’s overseen the raising of wind turbine farms. And during those things, we remodeled five homes, and he managed our hobby farm. He’s currently fulfilling his childhood dream of farming, as their maintenance manager {who happily gets to drive big tractors on occasion}. But in all of that, today he would tell you, the greatest investment of his life has been in us, his family. He’s supported me in all my endeavors, staying home with our two, homeschooling, owning my gift shop and currently my ministry to women, speaking, and writing. As a dad, he saw to it that Kayla knows how to change her own oil, or a tire on her car. Her joy in raising chickens-one of her favorite childhood “sports” did not come from me! She and her dad have a close relationship. And Ethan “interned” under him during high school, learning the literal nuts and bolts of vehicles, small motors, and the successful maneuvering of moving things, often testing their edge so as to know where the danger is and avoid it. They too have a close relationship. And in all of the intensity, the hard work, there is that childlike (truly goofy!) humor, the ability to transform a tense atmosphere with a shift of perspective. Yes, I am especially thankful for my D-man.
Day 13 ~ the material blessings I so often take for granted. The ones that are beyond simply meeting my needs. The extravagance of convenience, comfort and beauty all around me should cause me to be a most humble soul. But I admit that isn’t the case. In taking things for granted, I become hardened to those without, I become calloused, and lack compassion for the needy. It’s only when I regularly give thanks for these things, practice self-denial, and radical giving that I can maintain a right heart about my material blessings. So I thank God today, first for His mercy for my ingratitude, and then for His lavish, abundant blessings. And I add a prayer, that He would help me honor Him by being a lavish giver ~as He is.
Day 14 ~ Generations of blessings. I’m so thankful for the gift of life and love and faith passed on from one generation to the next. The times we get to spend together gathered around a table-or three in the case of my family- celebrating God’s amazing love toward us. On Thanksgiving, for blessings of harvest on the table, nourishment and life for our bodies. On Christmas and Easter, the Bread of Heaven, Lamb of God, in a feed trough, on a cross. Nourishment and Life for our spirits, the Eternal Table.
Day 15 ~ God’s mercies are new every morning. When I first (finally) understood (actually BELIEVED) this promise, which is followed by “Great is His faithfulness” it became a transformational liberator from discouragement and depression. Now I aim to not only cut off yesterday’s sins when I’ve repented, but to not carry the past hour into the one I’m living. So often I struggle too long with regret before I remember this truth that I am sooo thankful for: His mercy replenishes continually and His faithfulness never ends. Knowing God loves me like that floods my soul with gratitude. Yesterday is past-and I can leave it there. He is here now and He is there with me tomorrow. But He has left yesterday.
Day 16 ~ Rest. …and on the seventh day, God rested. He sat back and enjoyed His handiwork and gives us the gift of Sabbath. A day to enjoy Him, honor Him, rejoice in His handiwork, and to remind us that He’s got this. It’s not all up to me and you, we can let go, cease striving and trust Him. Thankful for times of refreshing, renewal, recharging . . . Rest.
Day 17 ~ I was thinking as I drove on the snowy roads of all the times I’ve been driving at night during white-out conditions and can barely make out the road or it’s edge. White-knuckle grip on the wheel, how grateful I am when I have someone to follow who obviously sees more clearly, has more confidence, and whose lights give me greater visibility. And that scenario depicts the gift of leaders. Whether it’s parent, teacher, coach, pastor, or employer. I thank God for people willing to give and serve and pass on wisdom, and knowledge often at great cost to themselves.
Day 18 ~ Thankful (sooo thankful!!) that there are those times of pulling away from work and responsibility to *ENJOY* life together with family, friends, and precious little people!! It’s good to make time to laugh and love and play amidst our busy!
I’m joining in at #TheLoft again this week.
{I had to step back from hosting with my schedule requiring me to drop something, and since there were four other fabulous hosts, its where the Lord led me to cut back. They’ve been so gracious! I hope you continue to pop in and visit up there.}