As followers of Jesus, we are not promised a walk in the park, though often we get to enjoy sweet times of peace and refreshment in this life. But those times are ‘holidays’.
In reality, we are also assured of trouble {John 16:33}, persecution {2 Timothy 3:12}, testing {James 1:2-4} and thankfully, along with them: victory. {Isaiah 54:17}
Promised Victory. That is the encouraging part. 🙂
Ephesians 6:10-20 reminds us that the life of a follower of Jesus is war, and that we have been given armor to stand strong. The word STAND is used three times in these ten verses. It signifies that it takes more effort to STAND than our default to ‘coasting along’ in life.
Our objective is this: To stand firm in our faith.
We’ve been given armor to assure our victory. 1 John 5:4
The ONLY way we will FAIL to STAND (other than not engaging in the battle) is by unbelief in the love and power of our Savior, Jesus.
Jesus, who is the Living Word of God—> He makes the Word come to life in us. {John 1:1-2; John 15:7}
The helmet, the boots, the breastplate and the belt are protective. The shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit (The Word of God) are in our hands. Our faith extinguishes the fiery darts shot at our souls by the accusing enemy {Revelation 12:10}, and the sword pierces deception with truth. {John 8:32}
One of the most valuable things we can do is eat the Word of God. Read it, memorize it, meditate on it. {Psalm 1:2-3} It is LIFE. {Matthew 4:4} It is Victory in this life. It is your anchor in a stormy world. {Hebrews 6:18-19} It is your answer for every question. {James 1:5} It is healing for your heart. {Isaiah 61:1}
And if you need more encouragement to spend time in God’s Word, please read Psalm 119. It is penned by King David, considered by God to be the man after His own heart. It is all about life and victory by faith in God’s word.
Here are the verses for me that, if it were possible, I’d have worn out because of how often I use them in prayer and in encouraging myself and others.
Precious friends, there are so many more passages that I use on a regular basis in encouragement and in prayer. I see prayers answered so often! Few gifts are as precious as seeing God work; as seeing ‘mountains move’. {Matthew 7:7; Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24}
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Which are your your favorite, well worn scriptures? Which ones do you find yourself going back to again and again? Tell us what spiritual warfare looks like for you and how you use God’s Word to be victorious.