Biggest insecurity in my life?
Exposure. That would have been my answer before my anxiety days.
But yeah, falling into a pit you can’t get out of unless Jesus reaches in Himself and lifts you, well that largely cures you of the fear of failing. Because I failed.
And I’m still standing.
I know! It’s a miracle! (Perfectionists, you get this . . . others please bear with me . . . )
I failed to trust Him.
I failed to believe Him.
I failed. I felt like I’d failed at everything!!!
UBER, Major-league -failed!
My biggest fear realized. I was exposed.
Bu it’s true: I am a failure. {This is the most freeing admission!}
That is was my biggest insecurity.
Of course there would be many bullet points under that heading:
• Fear of rejection
• Fear of man’s anger
• Fear of failing
• Fear of looking the fool
• Fear of accusation
• Fear of being wrong
• Fear of criticism
{Did someone say FEAR?}
And the Lord gifted me with the season of failing to teach me that I am a fool without Him.
And I survived!
So-to alleviate all fears here; I’m just going to say it to you: I am a failure and a fool.
But Jesus saved me.
He cleansed me, He filled me with what I was missing (His righteousness!) 2 Corinthians 5:21 and gave me what I formerly spun myself dizzy to hide from the lack of: perfection.
He didn’t give me the kind I sought though-perfection in the eyes of people, no. The kind Jesus gives: SUPERIOR!!! Perfection in the sight of God. Hebrews 7:29 {Crazy, I know!!!}
There is amazing peace when you’ve found favor in the eyes of God!
No longer do I need to fear exposure, for He has promised to cover me. He gave His perfect life as a sacrifice -the perfect Lamb of God- to appease God’s wrath that I deserved-HIS crucifixion has set me free from fear.
I don’t need to frantically sew fig-leaves together to cover my shame -daily- any longer. They never really removed my shame anyway. They dried up by the end of each day, and then I had to harvest, prepare and sew new ones. Constantly!
It was so EXHAUSTING!!!
Jesus has given me His prefect love- a Robe. A Royal Robe. His robe.
It is the classic fairy tale. But it’s a true one.
He calls me His Bride. {John 3:27-30} He has purchased me, and has secured for me an inheritance! I am an heir of salvation {Galatians 4:7} and no longer subject to condemnation. {Romans 8:1}
Jesus has set me free.
But please don’t think I don’t struggle with fear and insecurities-I do. But I win. He has taught me to step into my fears. They no longer hinder me. I’ve learned that when I feel fear, I don’t run away! NO! Instead, I step into it.
By His grace, I step into fear.
Because I’ve learned this: He is there to meet me-and He completes me. He gives me what I do not have. #nofail
He is faithful and His promises are true. He fills in my gaps. When I am weak-He is strong. When I am a fool, He is wise. When I am ugly, He is beautiful. And He gives it all to me.
Perfect Love casts out fear.
He has not given me a spirit of fear {2 Timothy 1:7} . . . fear is a spirit- a demon- one that has been defeated at the cross-it’s not from God!!!
He HAS given me a Spirit of power, love and a sound mind.
Now that’s something for one who feared the psych ward 14 years ago . . .
Yes, the God I serve has mighty power. Why should I be bullied by fear any longer? Why would you?
Join us at The Loft today where we talk about our biggest insecurities.
1. Life on the Mom Side: The Loft #3~ My Greatest Ins
2. Fat Girl Insecurities | Being Confident of This
3. Insecurity- mine and yours and why it matters by Arabah
4. The Loft #3: My Greatest Insecurity
5. My Greatest Insecurity - Journeying Outside My Box
6. Not Enough ~ My Greatest Insecurity
7. The Secret Ingredient to a Joyful Marriage
9. Where Has All the Simple Gone? - Renewed Daily
10. Free To Fly {Far Away From My Biggest Insecurities
11. Views From a Kaleidoscope: Land of Dread
12. The Fabuless Wife: My Greatest Insecurity #TheLoft
13. Grace Like Rain/Greatest Insecurity
14. Loft Topic 8.19.14 | The White Stone
15. JoleneUnderwood-Consider the Why of Christian Plat
16. JoleneUnderwood: The letter I am rewriting to myse
17. Do I bear good fruit? | Destination Italy
18. A Comfort That Shouldn’t Be {40YearWanderer}