He already gave you the sun to light your day.
When the God who created the universe is your Father, then you have everything you need.
When the Lord of Creation gives his only son as an atonement for your sin in order to adopt you, how will he not also give you everything that is good both here in this life and in the one to come?
Jesus, on the night he was betrayed broke bread and gave it to His disciples, saying, “take and eat, this is my body broken for you”.
All who take Jesus, who was broken are made whole.
We have everything we need, freeing us to give everything away as He leads.
The Living Water and the Bread of Life are continually replenishing. When we have Him, we have abundance.
Recently I led a study on the gospel of Mark and can’t stop thinking about the miracle of the loaves and fishes in Mark 6:40-44.
Visualizing what it was really like, I imagine each time Jesus broke the loaf, he gave a whole one away, and the half he kept was a whole, and he kept breaking only whole loaves-never halves.
And it was perpetual division and multiplication.
Think of it: the disciples were given the whole loaf from Jesus’ hand, then broke their loaf, and gave a whole loaf each time they extended their hand to the people seated and readied. And the people passing the food around the group, were each given a whole loaf.
Isn’t that astonishing?
Do you realize you still have a whole loaf when you give something away? When you spend yourself on behalf of the hungry-whether spiritual, emotional or physical? Your time, your resources, your prayers . . .you always have enough.
Don’t you love gospel math?
Spend yourself today. Give something away since you know you will always have all you need. 2 Corinthians 9:8
And read here about how my friend Kate Batistelli was asked to break her own heart in order to give life to another. Her post “Why Jesus is Better Than Cake” inspired mine.