Continuing our Thursday series, The Verdict on Value, here are words from my friend Jen:
Sometimes I wish I could go back to my second-grade self, that girl who was mostly tomboy, confident leader-of-the-pack. She could be friends with whomever she wanted, even boys. She wore dresses, but she also climbed trees. She lived free.
She never considered what the scales said about her value. She never wished to be more like her blonde-headed friend. She had a little girl crush on a classmate of hers, but never spent her days waiting for him to notice.
She was relatively innocent, that girl God created on purpose and with a plan.
But that girl moved from state to state nearly every year after third grade until she finally moved overseas. Each new school left its mark, some beauty spots and some ugly scars, and she found herself wearing labels like… Click here to read the rest of Jen’s story!
The full schedule:
March 27: Kathy from Free to Fly
April 3: Leah from The Point (Interview with Jennifer Dukes Lee)
April 10: Kerry from Plenty Place
April 17: Arabah from Arabah Joy
April 24: Jen from Confident in Grace
May 1: Leah from The Point
May 8: Wrap up with Arabah from Arabah Joy (Wrap up with Jennifer Dukes Lee)