The Verdict on Shame

Continuing our Thursday series, The Verdict on Value. Here are words from my friend Arabah Joy:
Shame has tried to silence me my entire life.

Ever since I was four years old… ever since a man named Jackie… shame’s gnarly fingers have gripped my soul, choked me with its hateful whispers.

I thought this was normal. I thought it was true. And until recently, I couldn’t separate shame from me, my personhood.

Shame has been my closest companion, weaving itself so intimately with me that I thought it was me. On dark, lonely nights, shame was there. On cold days and warm summers and in crowds and by myself, shame has always been there. Shame was happy to bring his friends too: insecurity, fear, and inferiority.

Let me tell you about my companion: Shame tells me something bad’s wrong with me. I’ll never be worth anything. That no one will listen. That I don’t have anything valuable to contribute. Ever. That I’ll never be enough. Together, shame and friends have worked to squelch my individuality, limit my creativity, mold me into a conformist, keep me silent and stagnant, and rob me of real intimacy.

{Click here to finish reading Arabah’s story}

The full schedule:
March 27: Kathy from Free to Fly

April 3: Leah from The Point (Interview with Jennifer Dukes Lee)

April 10: Kerry from Plenty Place

April 17: Arabah from Arabah Joy

April 24: Jen from Confident in Grace

May 1: Leah from The Point

May 8: Wrap up with Arabah from Arabah Joy (Wrap up with Jennifer Dukes Lee)

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