What I Learned This Week

Can you remember what you did yesterday?

My mind is a bit fuzzy. The highlights come to the forefront, but smaller things are a blur.

I want to share highlights of what I learn every week, (You know, so I remember- and so we can learn together-because learning is more fun when we share, right?) I have saved links to Evernote. Evernote is my new memory-crutch, with social media serving as a bit of a diary also. I like to go to Instagram to get a recap of my week.

Angie and I on our way in.

This was the fourth time I’ve been “on-air” and I still marvel at all that is required of the one(s) running the show. The first time I sat by Susie Larson in studio, my experience reminded me a lot of my little boy on his first tricycle. He was so fascinated watching the wheel go around that he ran straight into the garage!

My fascination in watching Susie derailed my concentration more than once. She sits at the microphone with a highlighted book, (and interviews oftentimes five authors per week-think about that!) She has her typed notes and an open computer screen in front of her feeding her messages from the Facebook page. All the while, she must bear in mind things like time limits and keeping an eye on her producer who is sitting to the right of her cuing with nods and hand motions, as he sees to a smooth-running show.

She has a lot in her mind at one time. That’s what I lost the first time I was in studio. My mind. A few times, it slipped from the conversation to observation. It only takes a second to get lost when you don’t listen.

Now that I’m slightly seasoned, marveling further at the job Susie does, I realize she is a racehorse. And I am a cow. It’s true. Her mind moves very quickly with a laser focus. I like to chew the cud. Process and reprocess, to dwell. I’m sure it’s why I am not pursuing radio. And she most definitely has landed in her sweet spot.

It’s good to know who you are. (I had to come to grips with the value of a cow because the racehorse has greater appeal upon first glance. But then I put some cream in my coffee.)

For the podcast of Susie Larson interviewing Jennifer Dukes Lee on her new book Love Idol, click here.

Treadmill sermon of the week:

My favorite Podcast Pastor is Tim Porter from Faith Community Church. (I have several friends who call FCC home-that is how I found him). So many of his messages I listen to more than once. They are that good and since I can’t take notes while running, I sit at my desk so I can take notes to retain the teaching. The message (guaranteed, it’s worth the 40 minutes!) Follow Me about what it really costs us to follow Jesus. Because you know, there are a lot of people who don’t really get it. Or if we do, we can forget as life flies by.

We need reminders because we forget. (Are you seeing a theme to what I learned this week?)

I also learned . . .

Saying “yes” to Jesus often requires stepping out of your comfort zone. When you go with Him, you will receive the sweetest blessings. 

I first encountered Renee Swope when God called me to attend (alone & out of my comfort zoneShe Speaks in 2008. She gave a powerful message on the story of Gideon and living in the shadow of the cross. My heart instantly connected with her. Shortly after, I was invited to be on her prayer team as she wrote her book, A Confident Heart. (I shamelessly promote books I love, have you noticed?)

I met her again at She Speaks last summer where the Lord gave me a message for her in the night. When I shared it with her, she confirmed it was from the Lord. (He is so amazing!)

Renee tweeted this after I posted my photo on Twitter (how sweet to the soul words can be!):

Profound passage of scripture from the week:  Did you know that our prayers are like incense to God and He holds them in bowls near His throne? (Revelation 5:7-8)

I hope your weekend is full of grateful memories of the past week and expectant plans for the week ahead. I pray you will glimpse the wonder of our God who loves you at every turn, and hold on to hope in every challenge.

Song of the week: I’ve listened to this many times before, but heard it for the first time this week. Don’t forget to remember: wherever we go, that’s where the party’s at.

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