She's Having A Book & You Should Have It Too-My Review of Love Idol, The Book

Normally I wouldn’t agree to promote a book before I have read it. But when Jennifer asked me to be on the street team for launching her new baby, I didn’t hesitate to say ‘yes’ because I have read her blog for over five years, and trust her heart for God. And I’m happy to report after completing the book that I was not disappointed.

This is a picture of Jennifer Dukes Lee’s new book (coming soon to a bookseller near you!)

Today I posted my review (below) on Amazon, available now for pre-order.

In Love Idol, Jennifer Lee addresses the issue that exists in the heart of every human on the planet. It’s our insatiable desire to be loved, or approved of.

Feeling the need to have our worth validated by humans keeps us either running circles around people to please them or hiding in the shadows. Love idols, as she calls them, keep us competing instead of encouraging, grabbing instead of giving.

Jennifer helps us see through the fog of our faulty and tiring validation-methods. In essence what God has enabled her to see is that we need to proverbially smash our mirrors. Get our eyes off of ourselves and look up. This is no easy task, and the book is laced with grace so that we don’t feel condemned by our failures but empowered by the hand of Jesus always reaching for us to get up and keep walking.

God has gifted the author not only with a delightful writing and story-telling ability, but also with a “mini-Jennifer” in her home, her firstborn daughter Lydia.

As a parent, she is enabled to feel the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father toward us who try to earn love and tend to look for it from perfectionism and the approval of people. She and Lydia sweetly work through challenges together.

Her book takes you with on her journey through a high-profile job as a newspaper reporter doubting that God even exists to having him break into her American dream while she is interviewing a presidential candidate in a limo. {I will always smile at God when I think of that part of her story!}

She then takes us to her farm in small-town Iowa and relays the journey of breaking free from the approval idol that she grew up depending on. In so doing, she gives us the encouragement we need to really know and believe that God loves us freely, radically, and unconditionally.

Reading this book was like walking down a tree-lined country road on a sunny day with a dear friend and coming home refreshed and stirred to live life fully and freely holding the hand of the One who preapproves us and loves us perfectly.

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