When Your Back Is Bent & You Only See Yourself

I pulled my chair closer to the fire Sunday morning to warm my feet. And talk to God.

On the heels of a challenging week, I was trying to get a fresh (warm) wind, a clear focus.

Adding to my lack of ‘checks’ on my long to-do list, and requests for more of me than I felt able to give, was a situation that I could not control. And I so wanted to.

I felt betrayed. I struggled to forgive. I worried about my reputation. I vented to a friend.

I was the bent-over woman of Luke 13:11. Only for a few days {thank you}, not 18 years. 

And then, grace! I let it go.

On Sunday morning while sitting there talking to God, I heard a bird outside. On the second day of February in Wisconsin. In -9 degree chill. A bird sang.

Looking up from my bowed down state, these words came:

When one is bent over seeing only self, joy and freedom are eclipsed. God is out of sight. The Author of all things good and glorious-light is shrouded.

One usually doesn’t sing with back bent over.

Our eyes darkened, limiting our gaze to failures and fears.

And then that bold bird sang, and Jesus straightened me up. 

On a Sabbath Jesus was teaching in one of the synagogues, and a woman was there who had been crippled by a spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not straighten up at all. When Jesus saw her, he called her forward and said to her, “Woman, you are set free from your infirmity.” Then he put his hands on her, and immediately she straightened up and praised God. Luke 13:10-13

I know, if I get too busy it happens. I fail to stand up straight and I fail to see light.

Look what David writes about those who reject Christ, the Light of the world in Psalm 69:

May their eyes be darkened so they cannot see,
and their backs be bent forever. 
Psalm 69:23

When I only look at what I have failed to do, or what I can’t control, I am-in those moments of only seeing me, failing to trust Him.

Bent over by a crippling spirit indeed.

Does that ever happen to you?

Joining Laura at The Wellspring

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